Rent Burden Among Families With the Lowest Incomes Is a Long-Standing Issue.
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Policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels can further address the crisis in housing affordability by making additional capital investments in housing and taking related actions, including:
- Reducing the shortage of deeply affordable rental housing, implementing a housing developer-focused renters’ tax credit, and reversing restrictive local zoning practices;
- Preventing the loss of existing affordable housing;
- Improving the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program;
- Investing in tribal communities’ housing needs;
- Removing barriers to homeownership; and
- Reforming project-based housing programs to encourage higher-quality housing.
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Rent Burden Among Families With the Lowest Incomes Is a Long-Standing Issue
While rising rent costs are currently headline news, the housing affordability crisis has existed for years, primarily due to the gap between families’ incomes and their rent costs.[
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It, Anytime You want. = 2019, about 9.4 million households without rental assistance paid more than 50 percent of their income on rent or lived in severely inadequate housing. Of these renters, 7.8 million were very low income, defined by HUD as at or below the federal poverty line or 50 percent of area median income, whichever is higher.
These counts don’t include the almost 600,000 people who experience homelessness on any given night, or the millions of people who are living doubled up or are unnecessarily institutionalized due in part to an inability to afford a place to live on their own.
Families with the lowest incomes have limited access to public housing, nor can they find housing that is affordable given their incomes in the private rental market. Even if landlords charged only what they’d need to cover their costs of ongoing operations, general maintenance, and debt payments owed on the development, the rents would exceed many people’s ability to afford their rent.
To address these challenges, the federal government has turned to tenant-based rental assistance, typically in the form of federal Housing Choice Vouchers, which subsidize housing costs in private rental housing. Compared to public housing, tenant-based rental assistance:
- Gives people more choice of where to live;
- Provides the opportunity to reduce segregation of people with low incomes, who are disproportionately people of color, in neighborhoods that have historically been and continue to be disinvested in;
- Can be used where people live now so a new unit isn’t necessarily needed and the family feels immediate relief; and
- Can be project-based, up to a certain amount, to support new affordable housing units and to restructure long-term financing for redeveloped public housing properties, which helps stabilize funding for ongoing operating costs.
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The House-passed Transportation-Housing and Urban Development bill’s funding level of $1.1 billion would be enough to help about 100,000 to 140,000 additional families afford safe, stable homes.
Most immediately, in 2023 appropriations legislation, Congress should provide as much of that $1.1 billion for new vouchers as possible, in addition to providing enough funds to cover the cost of existing vouchers.
Some argue that increases to the voucher program would push up rents by increasing demand for rental units and contribute to inflation; however, research on previous voucher expansions has found that vouchers have little overall impact on housing demand or market rents.
Without rental subsidies, families are at risk of the negative outcomes caused by housing instability such as eviction, homelessness, and frequent moves.
Over the long term, lawmakers should enact major additional rental assistance expansions, with the goal of making help available to everyone who is eligible. Currently, only 1 in 4 households who are likely eligible for federal rental assistance receive it. This has real-world negative consequences on people and communities.
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===Additional Investments Needed to Address Long-Term Affordability Gap
Closing the housing affordability gap will require a comprehensive housing strategy that includes both the expansion of rental assistance and development of new units. Essential housing capital investment and other related actions include:
- Reducing the shortage of deeply affordable rental housing. HUD’s “Our Way Home” initiative recommends expanding the capacity of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), which is a tax credit to developers to build multifamily housing for families ...
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- Preventing the loss of existing affordable housing. Resources are needed to preserve the existing privately owned affordable housing stock. About 6 percent of the federally assisted privately owned housing stock is set to lose affordability restrictions by 2025 due to expiring affordability agreements.
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- Preservation of existing affordable units can also include redeveloping existing public housing properties through tools such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration program; investing in redevelopment resources to revitalize older LIHTC properties and other older, deteriorating properties that receive HUD assistance, such as through the Project-Based Rental Assistance program; and incentivizing landlords to rent to families with low incomes .
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- Improving the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Policymakers should reform LIHTC to incentivize states and developers to make more units affordable to people with incomes below the program’s eligibility limit (although many low-paid workers and others with extremely low incomes will still need a voucher or other rental assistance to afford these units).
- This can include increasing the amount of tax subsidy provided for properties that dedicate units to people with the lowest incomes (known as increasing the “basis boost”), amending state LIHTC application requirements .
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Knowledge Financial Group provides useful information @ - Investing in tribal communities’ housing needs. Tribal communities’ housing needs are unique. Native American housing programs — particularly the Indian Housing Block Grant, the Indian Community Development Block Grant, and the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant — need greater resources to address the high rates of housing hardship faced by American Indians and Alaska Natives living on tribal lands and Native Hawaiians living on the Hawaiian homelands.
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- Removing barriers to homeownership. There is a shortage of affordable single-family homeownership opportunities due to a low supply of homes and challenges facing first-time buyers.
- If fewer people can buy homes, then more people remain in the rental market, creating a shortage of rental units and driving up costs. Down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers and other policies to make it easier for families to obtain mortgages are critical to relieving pressure on the rental market.
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- Reforming project-based housing programs to encourage higher-quality housing. Most project-based federal assistance does not let families move and keep their housing subsidy.
- These programs should be reformed to allow tenants to have true choice in where they live. This will put pressure on landlords and owners to improve the quality of their units and will reduce neighborhood segregation of people with low incomes.
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