Saturday, July 6, 2019

Knowledge Financial Group For Financial Education And literacy

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What Everyone Should Know To Take Control Of Their Finances And Retirement Planning... By Anthony Jeanty Of: Knowledge Financial Group -


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Where To Invest, How To Invest, When To Invest???


 Investing is a business.  As an investor you must treat investment as a business, In any investment you expect a {ROI} return on investment  as long as your investment is increasing value..

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What Everyone Should Know To Take Control Of Their Finances And Retirement Planning... By Anthony Jeanty Of: Knowledge Financial Group

Investing is a business as an investor you must treat investment as a business In any investment you expect a ROI return on investment  as long as your investment is increasing value..


Invest in securities: investments that represent evidence of debt or ownership, or legal right to acquire or sell an ownership interest..


Investing in properties: Investment in real property, or in tangible personal property. Real Estate is one of the best investment of all time, Real Estate is outperformed all other kind of investment..


Short-term investments: This kind of investments mature within one or less and certainly as investor or speculator you expect to pay more to the governments for capital gains because it's short term..


Long-term Investments: This kind of investments mature longer than a year and you expect to pay less taxes for capital gains. Investments last over a year cost investors less in taxes..


As an investor you feel free to invest domestic companies or foreign companies via ADR=American Depository Receip=======Domestic investments: Debt, equity, and derivatives securities of United States based companies.

 A financial professional is very important in the financial life of people. WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.BLOGSPOT.COM


Foreign investments: Debt, security and derivative secities of foreign based companies


Common Stock: Equity investment that represents ownership in a corporation; each share represents a fractional ownership in a company..


Preferred Stock: Equity investment in a corporation who has a stated dividend rate, payment of which is given preference over common stocks..


Bonds, Fixed Securities: Investments vehicles that offer a fixed period of return..


Mutual Funds: Companies that raise money from the sales of shares and invest in professionally managed diversified portfolio of securities using PMM= professional money manager..



Options: They are securities that give the investors an opportunity to sell or buy another security as a specified price over given period of time.


 Options are not guaranteed any return and could even lose the entire amount invested. There are basically three common types of options: Puts - Calls - And Warrants..


Futures: They are legally binding obligations stipulating that the sellers of such contracts will make delivery ..


The stock market has taken investors on a roller coaster ride over the years. Become a successful investors takes time and effort.. 


One of the important rules to make your financial voyage successful should be:
Do not try to do it just by yourself. It is harder to win a game if you're alone than if you have a solid team with you. :



Anthon From Knowledge Financial Group - But no matter what news you heard about the financial stock market; don't wait for the right time to invest, mmney experts don't believe there is one..



Knowledge Financial Group trained, mentored, coached, guided entrepreneurs, professionals, and business people achieve the maximum in the financial world..




Discover the Ten Key Principles to Build True Wealth (Surprise! It’s about a lot more than just making money)

True wealth is about a lot more than just growing your net worth.
Yes, it’s true that financial independence is all about money, but living a wealthy life isn’t. This distinction is critical.

Wealth Building Principl

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Determining the cost of and the return on an investment property are just as important as figuring out its value.''
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The 10 Commandments of Wealth and Happiness At Knowledge Financial Group


1. Thou shalt live like you’re going to die tomorrow, but invest like you’re going to live forever.

 The ease of making money in stocks, real estate, or other risk-based assets is inversely proportional to your time horizon. In other words, making money over long periods of time is easy – making money overnight is the flip of a coin.
Money is like a tree: Plant it properly, care for it occasionally – but not obsessively – then wait.


2. Thou shalt listen to thine own voice above all others.

My job as a consumer reporter has included listening to countless sad stories about nice people being separated from their money by people who weren’t so nice. While these stories run the gamut from real estate deals to working at home, they all start the same way: with a promise of something that seems too good to be true.
 Make Saving Automatic. Many investors in the U.S. have the option of saving money in a workplace retirement account, such as a 401(k) or a 403(b), which makes saving much easier. And automatic 401(k) or 403(b) step-ups allow you to bump up your savings without even having to do anything on your part. =

3. Thou shalt covet bad economic times.

Wealth is realized when the economy is booming, but that’s not when it’s created. Wealth is created when times are bad, unemployment is high, problems are massive, everybody’s freaking out, and there’s nothing but economic misery on the horizon.

5. Thou shalt not create debt.

I’m always getting questions about debt. “Should I borrow for this, that, or the other?” “What’s an acceptable debt level?” “Is there such a thing as good debt?”
There’s way too much analysis and mystery around something that isn’t at all mysterious. Paying interest is nothing more than giving someone else your money in exchange for using theirs. Rule of thumb: To have as much money as possible, avoid giving yours to other people.
 Don’t ever borrow money because you want something you can’t afford. Borrow money in only two circumstances: when your back is against the wall, or when what you’re buying will increase in value by more than what you’re paying in interest.
Debt also affects you on a level that can’t be defined in dollars. When you owe money, in a very real way you’re a slave to that lender until you pay it back. When you don’t, you’re much more the master of your own destiny.
INVEST - INVEST - INVEST in something, somehow, somewhere...

6. Thou shalt be frugal – but not miserly.

The key to accumulating more savings isn’t to spend less – it’s to spend less without sacrificing your quality of life. If going out to dinner with your significant other is something you enjoy, not doing it may create a happier bank balance, but an unhappier you – a trade-off that is neither worthwhile nor sustainable. Eating an appetizer at home, then splitting an entree at the restaurant, however, maintains your quality of life and fattens your bank account.
Finding ways to save is important, but avoiding deprivation is just as important.
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is asking, how often you review your insurance policy?
Do you have a life insurance? If not, why not?
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7. Thou shalt not regard possessions in terms of money, but time.

You go to the mall and spend $150 on clothes. But what you spent isn’t just $150. If you earn $150 a day, you just spent a day of your life.
 Almost every resource you have, from physical possessions to money, is renewable. The amount of time you have on this planet, however, is finite. Once used, it can never be replaced. So when you spend money – especially if you earned that money by doing something you had to do instead of what you wanted to do – you’re spending your life.
 This doesn’t mean you should never spend money. If those clothes are all that important to you, by all means, buy them. But if it’s really not going to make you that much happier, don’t.

8. Thou shalt consider opportunity cost.

This is related to the commandment above. Opportunity cost is an accounting term that describes the cost of missing out on alternative uses for money.
For example, when I said above that not spending $150 on clothes puts you $150 closer to independence, that was a gross understatement. 
Because when you save $150, investing those savings gives you the opportunity to have more savings. 
If you’re earning 10 percent, $150 invested for 20 years will ultimately make you $1,000 richer. If you can live on $150 a day, ignoring inflation, you can now retire nearly a week sooner, not just a day.
 '' Types of Property Ownership...
There are a variety of forms of ownership of property.----
'' How to Invest In Real Estate without Having to Buy Houses?
 Home Warranties, Why Many People Need  Them?
Owning a home is a pricey endeavor. It requires attention and upkeep simply because things get old a need to be
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''Making Money On These Major Types of Properties''
There are many different property types that you can use to make money...

9. Thou shalt not put off till tomorrow what thou can save today.

  Fortunes are rarely made by investing big bucks, nor are they often made late in life. Wealth most often comes from starting small and early.

In short, there are limited ways to get rich. You can inherit, marry well, build a valuable business, successfully capitalize on exceptional talent, get exceedingly lucky – or spend less than you make and consistently invest your savings over time. Even if you’re on the road to any of the former, why not do the latter?
Great News, Excellent Information: Here is a wonderful website to visit: WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.COM
Learn whatever you want, when you want. At WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.COM 

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s stuff.

If this commandment sounds familiar, that’s because it resembles the Biblical 10th commandment:
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s. (Exodus 20:17)

Envy may not be the root of all evil, but it is the root of much wasted money. As I’m fond of saying, you can either look rich or be rich, but you probably won’t live long enough to accomplish both. I’ve lived both ways, and trust me: Being rich is way better than using debt to look rich.
We’ll all admit when on the verge of making a purchase decision, we’re often thinking of what our friends will say when they see it. Normal human behavior?
 Sure, but it’s not in your best interest, or theirs. Making your friends feel jealous isn’t nice, and feeling envy for other people’s possessions is silly. Possessions have never made anyone happy, nor will they.
Decide what really makes you happy, then spend – or not – accordingly. When your friends make an impressive addition to their collection of material possessions, be happy for them.
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Invest in Yourself:
When you are in your 20s and just starting a career, take time to invest in yourself, in your financial education..
Take the time to grow your human capital, life experiences and knowledge -- it doesn't get easier to invest in yourself later on in life.
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 At Knowledge Financial Group -  We Inspire, Educate, Inform, Motivate And Lead...“We're The True Teachers Because, True Teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, by facilitating a joyful crossing with encouragement and then to create their own bridges to help others cross.”Anthony Jeanty!


The Ten Commandments Of Investing At Knowledge Financial Group -

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The 10 Commandments Of Investing 
1. Thou Shalt Set Clear Goals
If you don't have a purpose or a set of clear goals to guide your investment strategy, don't invest. This sounds harsh, but there are so many types, styles and flavors of investing that, without a particular destination, you will be lost at sea. Knowledge Financial Group -  
2. Thou Shalt Put Thy Financial House in Order
To become a successful investor, you have to make sure that your personal finances are in order first. Investing without a purpose is bad, but investing when you have high-interest debt is much worse. 
If you are drowning in overdue bills and credit card payments that you can't meet, take care of those more serious problems before getting too deep into investing.
Adjustments necessary.
Your situation, the markets and your goals will change as your lifestyle changes. =
Don't forget to plan and manage your required minimum distribtions (RMDs) from IRAs and 401(k)s.
Optimizing these assets can require new types of planning and tax strategies. = TWITTER.COM/BUYHEREMARKETON
As you start to spend down your money, keep track of your spending percentage of your assets.
Use the 4% rule to help monitor your plan over time. If your withdrawal rate from your assets starts nearing 8% to 10%, you might want to consider cutting back on expenses.
3. Thou Shalt Question Authority
Investing is more about the art of asking and answering the right questions than it is about deciding when to buy and sell. CEOs, CFOs, CPAs, CFAs and all the other acronyms that we use to classify Wall Street's professional caste can't hide the fact that they are human, and that humans sometimes lie. Analysts get kickbacks, CEOs get stock options and recent accounting scandals, show that impartial accounting is not guaranteed.

To question authority, you will need to educate yourself, especially on the subject of financials. Press releases are flakes of snow that rain down on investors and melt away, but financials stick around. Although financials can be tampered with, there is always a trail left behind.
4. Thou Shalt not Follow Sheep
Herd mentality leads to destructive rampages down Wall Street. Investing passively by sticking to funds, indexes and other mainstays of the coach potato portfolio is a perfectly acceptable practice.

 The danger comes when people move from being apassive investor to an active portfolio, but they continue to stick with the behavior of being a passive investor. Knowledge Financial Group -  

There is a lot of available information for such investors - much of which is true - but accepting it with an uncritical eye and neglecting to check it yourself is what leads to herding. This includes getting the latest and greatest stock tip from your Uncle George.

A person can effortlessly become one of the investors that the analysts shepherd into various "must-buy stocks" after they have become overpriced.
5. Thou Shalt Be Humble
If you take the first four commandments to heart, there is a good chance that you will perform better than the majority of individual investors and many of the professionals. Knowledge Financial Group -  

 But sometimes, particularly during a bull market, gains are not dictated by investor actions as much as by having money in the market, so don't allow yourself to become overconfident.
 Overconfidence often leads to overtrading, taking unnecessary risks and eventual losses when the bull turns bear. Also, remember that you incur commissions every time you trade - this expense can often erase profits or increase losses.
6. Thou Shalt Be Patient
Patience is a virtue for a good reason: It pays for itself. When the market dips, or even when a particular stock dips, there are always investors who panic and sell. Selling should be treated just as seriously as buying.

 If it is just a bump, ride it out. If there is truly a problem with the stock, take your time as well - you may find a way to use it in a gain-loss transaction that will save you taxes.
 By the time you hear it, bad news has already settled in - taking your time isn't going to make it much worse.
7. Thou Shalt Show Moderation
Investing too much is not a problem many people have, but it can happen. It is said that the pain of a loss has twice the emotional strength of the pleasure of a gain. For some people, this results in pulling out of the market prematurely, as mentioned above. Knowledge Financial Group -  

For others, losing propels them into successively riskier ventures in an all-or-nothing attempt to win those losses back. Losses are hard to take, but look on the bright side: You can sell a loss to offset a gain in another sector or, if it is in a retirement account, you can use it as a tax write-off.

 Concentrating your money too much in one area, either by sector, risk level or even keeping it all in the stock market, is a sure way to see more of nothing than all in an all-or-nothing game.
8. Thou Shalt not Ogle Thy Investment
There is nothing like a market correction or a general upswing to change perfectly normal investors into fanatics who have market updates text messaged to their cell phones every five minutes. 

As with Fidelity, the axiom, "look, don't touch" is insufficient because the more you look, the more you want to mess around with your investments. It is not clear if it is a symptom or a cause, but this rabid over-monitoring almost always leads to unnecessary churning in sufferers' portfolios.
 'General Knowledge For Investing in Commercial Real Estate:
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 How To Make Money In Real Estate When Buying Investments
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9. Thou Shalt not Court or Spurn Risk
You should never put everything you have into futures, but you also shouldn't hold everything inTreasury bills. There is an appropriate level of risk for investors of every age and creed.
10. Thou Shalt not Make Heroes of Mere Men
There is no perfect investor. Warren Buffett, George Soros and Peter Lynch have all slipped up from time to time. That doesn't stop them from being great investors who are worth studying and learning from. 
That said, you should never mimic an investing strategy that you do not fully understand. Knowledge Financial Group -  

There is too much guru-ism going on among investors - so much so that credentials are often lost beneath book titles in which the word "rich" is prominently featured.

As you start to spend down your money, keep track of your spending percentage of your assets.
Use the 4% rule to help monitor your plan over time. If your withdrawal rate from your assets starts nearing 8% to 10%, you might want to consider cutting back on expenses.
Knowledge Financial Group is an absolute source of financial information, we bring financial wellness to more people.
We bring financial education to the youth, and financial literacy to the less fortunate .
 As with the early caution against trusting authority, you have to question everything. Even if a strategy works for a certain period of time, once it becomes widespread, it skews the system.
 too many people searching for those stocks, leading prices to become inflated to adjust for the non-market driven demand. Skeptics survive on Wall Street much longer than believers.

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