Investment General Knowledge And Useful Information... WARNING: The information provided does not take into account the specific objectives or circumstances of any particular investor. KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL GROUP -
Investment Strategies to Learn Before Trading Or Investing...
Choose a strategy that fits your objectives, risk tolerance and skills.
is an absolute trusted source for investors, traders, entrepreneur and business oriented people.
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To be financially literate is to know how to manage your money.
Investing Moves That Could Make You a Multimillionaire...
At: Knowledge Financial Group -
Investing Moves That Could Make You a Multimillionaire...
At: Knowledge Financial Group -
Everyone has their own goals.The market will always gos up and down, but your goals and objectives are still your goals and objectives...'' Banking And Finance '' - '' Investing Basic '' - '' Investing In Stocks '''' Investing In Mutual Funds '' - '' Investing In Index Funds '' - '' Investing For Retirement '''' Investing In Insurance '' - '' Investing In Bonds '' - '' Investing In Residential Real Estate''
'' Investing In Commercial Real Estate'' - '' Investing In Tax Lien Certificates ''
'' Investing In Forex Market '' - '' Accounting Basic '' - '' Personal Finance ''
'' Fortune Builder '' -
'' Wall Street Market Millionaire '' - '' 101 Ways To Make Money ''
'' Retirement Planning '' - '' IRA's - 401k's - Pension Plan '''' Life Insurance '' - '' Business Start Up '' - '' Business Blogs '' - '' Investing Blogs - '' Financial Blogs''
'' Financial Literacy '' - '' Money Management '' '' American Dollar '''' Millionaire Mind Set '' - '' Earned Income'' - '' Passive Income '' - '' Portfolio Income '' - '' Residual Income '' - '' Free Credit Report ''
- Before you figure out your strategy, take some notes about your financial situation and goals.
- ----------
- Value investing requires investors to remain in it for the long term and to apply effort and research to their stock selection.
- ---------
- Investors who follow growth strategies should be watchful of executive teams and news about the economy.
- ---------
- Momentum investors buy stocks experiencing an uptrend and may choose to short sell those securities.
- --------
- Dollar-cost averaging is the practice of making regular investments in the market over time.
- Learn the basics of investing. Learn how to read stock charts, and begin by picking some of your favorite companies and analyzing their financial statements.
- Investment Important Warning:
Make sure you can afford to invest before you actually start putting money away. Prioritize your current obligations before setting money aside for the future.
-------Next, set out your goals. Everyone has different needs, so you should determine what yours are.
------------Next, figure out what your risk tolerance is. Your risk tolerance is determined by two things. First, this is normally determined by several key factors including your age, income, and how long you have until you retire.
---------- The goal behind teaching financial literacy is to help people develop a stronger understanding of basic financial concepts.
- You budget. You save. You protect your savings. When you spend, you spend wisely. When you make big purchases, you do so for things that are
Value Investing
Value investors are bargain shoppers. They seek stocks they believe are undervalued. They look for stocks with prices they believe don’t fully reflect the intrinsic value of the security.
------------ For those who don’t have time to perform exhaustive research, the price-earnings ratio (P/E) has become the primary tool for quickly identifying undervalued or cheap stocks.
This is a single number that comes from dividing a stock’s share price by its earnings per share (EPS). A lower P/E ratio signifies you’re paying less per $1 of current earnings. Value investors seek companies with a low P/E ratio.
---------- Growth Investing
Rather than look for low-cost deals, growth investors want investments that offer strong upside potential when it comes to the future earnings of stocks. It could be said that a growth investor is often looking for the “next big thing.” - Growth investors also need to carefully consider the management prowess of a business’s executive team. Achieving growth is among the most difficult challenges for a firm.
----------- Momentum Investing
Momentum investors ride the wave. They believe winners keep winning and losers keep losing. They look to buy stocks experiencing an uptrend. Because they believe losers continue to drop, they may choose to short-sell those securities.
Momentum investors are heavily reliant on technical analysts. They use a strictly data-driven approach to trading and look for patterns in stock prices to guide their purchasing decisions.
--------- Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is the practice of making regular investments in the market over time and is not mutually exclusive to the other methods described above. Rather, it is a means of executing whatever strategy you chose. With DCA, you may choose to put $300 in an investment account every month.
This disciplined approach becomes particularly powerful when you use automated features that invest for you. The benefit of the DCA strategy is that it avoids the painful and ill-fated strategy of market timing.
When investments happen in regular increments, the investor captures prices at all levels, from high to low. These periodic investments effectively lower the average per-share cost of the purchases and reduces the potential taxable basis of future shares sold.
----------- The goal behind teaching financial literacy is to help people develop a stronger understanding of basic financial concep
VISIONAIRE BUSINESS CENTER - FACEBOOK.COM/VISIONAIREBIZ /--/ VISIONAIREBIZ.BLOGSPOT. COM- You budget. You save. You protect your savings. When you spend, you spend wisely. When you make big purchases, you do so for things that are
When choosing your investment strategy, answer each of these questions:
- Do you want to invest for the short-term or long-term?
- Do you want your investments to be easily accessible or illiquid?
- Do you want to chase risk for higher returns or avoid risk for stability?
- Do you want to manage your own investments or pay an advisor?
- Do you want to actively monitoring your portfolio or be more passive?
- Do you want to invest a little amount over time or a lot all at once?
Good things usually come from unexpected places.
Great information doesn’t come from the big media, but from Knowledge Financial Group = knowledgefinancial.blogspot. com = / Money Wisers Group =
Buyheremarket Enterprise =
Visionaire Business Center = = =/
---------- Aggressive Investment Strategy
A high-risk, high-reward approach to investing...
An aggressive investment strategy is a high-risk, high-reward approach to investing. Such a kind of strategy is appropriate for younger investors or those with higher risk tolerance. The focus of aggressive investing is capital appreciation instead of capital preservation or generating regular cash flows.
---------Aggressive Investment Methods
There are many ways to pursue an aggressive investment strategy. Below are five strategies that can be utilized by most investors based on their income and sophistication.
1. Small-Cap Stocks
Small-cap stocks provide the potential of very high capital appreciation. The prices can compound to more than two times the original price if the business becomes successful and achieves strong revenue growth and profitability.
---------- Emerging Markets Investing
Emerging markets are growing economies primarily located in Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. The countries has a high potential for economic growth, growing rapidly over the past few decades. Investments in emerging markets can rapidly compound as the economy grows and is one of the most robust ways to grow an investment.
On the other hand, emerging markets usually lack high-quality institutions and governance found in developed markets.
-------- High-Yield Bonds
High-yield bonds are a popular source of yield for investors looking for higher returns while generating regular cash flows. The bonds are typically high coupon bonds with below-investment-grade credit ratings – also known as speculative grade or junk bonds.
The risks with high yield bonds are like small-cap stocks. Hence, the issuing companies should be well researched to ensure there are no liquidity and solvency issues.
-------- Options Trading
Options can be used to hedge against or speculate on movement in security prices. They are non-linear securities and can provide a constant source of income in times of low volatility or generate massive payoffs during large market moves.
A common strategy to sell options to collect a premium. If the market is not very volatile, such a strategy can provide a high return, but an investor can lose more than what they’ve made over time on a single market move that goes against the investor’s position.
---------- Private Investments
Private investments are more suitable for investors with higher net worth. There are many avenues in private markets, such as angel investing, where a single investment can range from $10,000 to $50,000 in a single business.
If successful, the business can compound rapidly, returning a high multiple of the initial investment. There are opportunities like venture capital, private equity, and debt that require much higher capital commitment.
========== Wealth Strategy
Helping you meet your financial objectives now and in the future.
A sound wealth strategy provides a road map for protecting and preserving your family’s assets, or those of your business.
Real Estate Investment Trusts, commonly referred to as REITs, are special types of corporations that are federally obligated to
Real estate investment trust:
A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns, and in most cases, operates income-producing real estate. And distributes the profits with the investors. FOR MORE INFO, VISIT: Real Estate Investment Trust - Reit At Knowledge Financial Group
HERE ARE FEW REIT'S STOCKS... NNN - KKR - FREL - VQN - REET - KIM - Visionone Real Estate Investment Goup (
Mr, or Ms investors: Here are some excellent example by the team of Femkonsa Capital Investment =
-----------------Invest in what you love.Trade stocks of brands you know and believe in and discover new opportunities based on your interests along the way..Building Wealth: Real Estate Investing To Build Wealth...Strategies For Wealth Stages.Build Your TeamReal estate is a team sport, and you are the leader of your team. You don’t necessarily need employees, but you will need independent contractors and advisors who can help you in their areas of expertise. If the idea of running this team turns you off, then perhaps a different type of investing suits you better.
I describe my approach to choosing and building my real estate team in Your Team: The Main Ingredient of Stardom. But to summarize, below is a list of some of the important team members you’ll need. I picked up the categories for these team members in the awesome book The Millionaire Real Estate Investor:
“Inner Circle” – your personal, closest team membersSpouse - Business partner - Mentors/personal advisers“Support Circle” – your fiduciary or critical relationships who help you with important, ongoing tasks / Property manager (if applicable)Attorney specializing in real estate and/or businessCertified Public Accountant (CPA) Lender(s)
Mortgage lender – for long-term financingHard money lender – for short-term financingPrivate money lender – for flexible, short or long-term financing“Service Circle” – functional relationships for tasks you’ll need for your investments. http:// Commercial-Real-Estate
'' Investing In Commercial Real Estate'' - '' Investing In Tax Lien Certificates ''
'' Investing In Forex Market '' - '' Accounting Basic '' - '' Personal Finance ''
'' Fortune Builder '' -
'' Wall Street Market Millionaire '' - '' 101 Ways To Make Money ''
'' Retirement Planning '' - '' IRA's - 401k's - Pension Plan '''' Life Insurance '' - '' Business Start Up '' - '' Business Blogs '' - '' Investing Blogs - '' Financial Blogs''
'' Financial Literacy '' - '' Money Management '' '' American Dollar '''' Millionaire Mind Set '' - '' Earned Income'' - '' Passive Income '' - '' Portfolio Income '' - '' Residual Income '' - '' Free Credit Report ''
- Before you figure out your strategy, take some notes about your financial situation and goals.
- ----------
- Value investing requires investors to remain in it for the long term and to apply effort and research to their stock selection.
- ---------
- Investors who follow growth strategies should be watchful of executive teams and news about the economy.
- ---------
- Momentum investors buy stocks experiencing an uptrend and may choose to short sell those securities.
- --------
- Dollar-cost averaging is the practice of making regular investments in the market over time.
- Learn the basics of investing. Learn how to read stock charts, and begin by picking some of your favorite companies and analyzing their financial statements.
- Investment Important Warning:
- The goal behind teaching financial literacy is to help people develop a stronger understanding of basic financial concepts.VISIONAIRE BUSINESS CENTER - FACEBOOK.COM/VISIONAIREBIZ /--/ VISIONAIREBIZ.BLOGSPOT.
- You budget. You save. You protect your savings. When you spend, you spend wisely. When you make big purchases, you do so for things that are
Value Investing
Value investors are bargain shoppers. They seek stocks they believe are undervalued. They look for stocks with prices they believe don’t fully reflect the intrinsic value of the security.
------------ For those who don’t have time to perform exhaustive research, the price-earnings ratio (P/E) has become the primary tool for quickly identifying undervalued or cheap stocks.
This is a single number that comes from dividing a stock’s share price by its earnings per share (EPS). A lower P/E ratio signifies you’re paying less per $1 of current earnings. Value investors seek companies with a low P/E ratio.
---------- Growth Investing
Rather than look for low-cost deals, growth investors want investments that offer strong upside potential when it comes to the future earnings of stocks. It could be said that a growth investor is often looking for the “next big thing.” - Growth investors also need to carefully consider the management prowess of a business’s executive team. Achieving growth is among the most difficult challenges for a firm.
----------- Momentum Investing
Momentum investors ride the wave. They believe winners keep winning and losers keep losing. They look to buy stocks experiencing an uptrend. Because they believe losers continue to drop, they may choose to short-sell those securities.
Momentum investors are heavily reliant on technical analysts. They use a strictly data-driven approach to trading and look for patterns in stock prices to guide their purchasing decisions.
--------- Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is the practice of making regular investments in the market over time and is not mutually exclusive to the other methods described above. Rather, it is a means of executing whatever strategy you chose. With DCA, you may choose to put $300 in an investment account every month.
This disciplined approach becomes particularly powerful when you use automated features that invest for you. The benefit of the DCA strategy is that it avoids the painful and ill-fated strategy of market timing.
When investments happen in regular increments, the investor captures prices at all levels, from high to low. These periodic investments effectively lower the average per-share cost of the purchases and reduces the potential taxable basis of future shares sold.
----------- The goal behind teaching financial literacy is to help people develop a stronger understanding of basic financial concep
- You budget. You save. You protect your savings. When you spend, you spend wisely. When you make big purchases, you do so for things that are
When choosing your investment strategy, answer each of these questions:
- Do you want to invest for the short-term or long-term?
- Do you want your investments to be easily accessible or illiquid?
- Do you want to chase risk for higher returns or avoid risk for stability?
- Do you want to manage your own investments or pay an advisor?
- Do you want to actively monitoring your portfolio or be more passive?
- Do you want to invest a little amount over time or a lot all at once?
Good things usually come from unexpected places.
Great information doesn’t come from the big media, but from Knowledge Financial Group = knowledgefinancial.blogspot.
Buyheremarket Enterprise =
Visionaire Business Center = = =/
---------- Aggressive Investment Strategy
A high-risk, high-reward approach to investing...
An aggressive investment strategy is a high-risk, high-reward approach to investing. Such a kind of strategy is appropriate for younger investors or those with higher risk tolerance. The focus of aggressive investing is capital appreciation instead of capital preservation or generating regular cash flows.
---------Aggressive Investment Methods
There are many ways to pursue an aggressive investment strategy. Below are five strategies that can be utilized by most investors based on their income and sophistication.
1. Small-Cap Stocks
Small-cap stocks provide the potential of very high capital appreciation. The prices can compound to more than two times the original price if the business becomes successful and achieves strong revenue growth and profitability.
---------- Emerging Markets Investing
Emerging markets are growing economies primarily located in Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. The countries has a high potential for economic growth, growing rapidly over the past few decades. Investments in emerging markets can rapidly compound as the economy grows and is one of the most robust ways to grow an investment.
On the other hand, emerging markets usually lack high-quality institutions and governance found in developed markets.
-------- High-Yield Bonds
High-yield bonds are a popular source of yield for investors looking for higher returns while generating regular cash flows. The bonds are typically high coupon bonds with below-investment-grade credit ratings – also known as speculative grade or junk bonds.
The risks with high yield bonds are like small-cap stocks. Hence, the issuing companies should be well researched to ensure there are no liquidity and solvency issues.
-------- Options Trading
Options can be used to hedge against or speculate on movement in security prices. They are non-linear securities and can provide a constant source of income in times of low volatility or generate massive payoffs during large market moves.
A common strategy to sell options to collect a premium. If the market is not very volatile, such a strategy can provide a high return, but an investor can lose more than what they’ve made over time on a single market move that goes against the investor’s position.
---------- Private Investments
Private investments are more suitable for investors with higher net worth. There are many avenues in private markets, such as angel investing, where a single investment can range from $10,000 to $50,000 in a single business.
If successful, the business can compound rapidly, returning a high multiple of the initial investment. There are opportunities like venture capital, private equity, and debt that require much higher capital commitment.
========== Wealth Strategy
Helping you meet your financial objectives now and in the future.A sound wealth strategy provides a road map for protecting and preserving your family’s assets, or those of your business.
Real Estate Investment Trusts, commonly referred to as REITs, are special types of corporations that are federally obligated to
Real estate investment trust:
A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns, and in most cases, operates income-producing real estate. And distributes the profits with the investors. FOR MORE INFO, VISIT: Real Estate Investment Trust - Reit At Knowledge Financial Group
HERE ARE FEW REIT'S STOCKS... NNN - KKR - FREL - VQN - REET - KIM - Visionone Real Estate Investment Goup (
Lessons To Be Learned When Investing in the stock market by Anthony of: KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL GROUP = FACEBOOK.COM/
Mr, or Ms investors: Here are some excellent example by the team of Femkonsa Capital Investment =
- Choose your investments wisely The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy...
- Choose your investments wisely The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy...
Choose your investments wisely
The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy researching companies and building a highly personalized portfolio, investing in individual stocks may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you'd prefer a hands-off approach, you may be better off with exchange-traded funds.
Buying quality investments that are likely to perform well over time.
Blue chip stocks, for example, can be a smart choice if you're buying individual stocks, because these companies have a long track record of experiencing consistent growth. Or if you're buying ETFs, an S&P 500 ETF can be a wise choice. These funds contain hundreds of stocks from large and successful companies
- Start investing as soon as you can Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things...
People are living longer and much healthier now than in decades past, and because of this many are seeking new challenges; starting and operating a business is a way to stay active physically and mentally.
The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy researching companies and building a highly personalized portfolio, investing in individual stocks may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you'd prefer a hands-off approach, you may be better off with exchange-traded funds.
Buying quality investments that are likely to perform well over time.
Blue chip stocks, for example, can be a smart choice if you're buying individual stocks, because these companies have a long track record of experiencing consistent growth. Or if you're buying ETFs, an S&P 500 ETF can be a wise choice. These funds contain hundreds of stocks from large and successful companies
- Start investing as soon as you can Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things...
- People are living longer and much healthier now than in decades past, and because of this many are seeking new challenges; starting and operating a business is a way to stay active physically and mentally.
Start investing as soon as you can
Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things you can do to build wealth is to start investing now. The amount of time you have to let your money grow will have an enormous impact on your total savings
- Hold your investments for the long term...
Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things you can do to build wealth is to start investing now. The amount of time you have to let your money grow will have an enormous impact on your total savings
- Hold your investments for the long term...
Hold your investments for the long term
Finally, be prepared to hold your investments for as long as possible. It will likely take decades to reach multimillionaire status, but the more time your money has to grow, the more you can potentially earn.
Say, for example, you're just getting started in the stock market, and your investments are earning a 10% average annual rate of return (meaning the returns you earn year after year average out to around 10% over time)
REITs vs. REIT ETFs: How They Compare...Learn about the difference in investing in a REIT for a single real estate cREITs vs. REIT ETFs: An OverviewReal estate investment trusts (REITs) are companies that own and operate real estate to produce and generate income. Investors can purchase shares in REITs—which represent ownership of an individual real estate company—just like regular stocks. The individual performance of REITs can vary widely. Many REITs are traded on major stock exchanges, but there are also a number of private and non-publicly traded REITs. = http://www. Real-Estate.html-----------------REIT exchange-traded funds (ETFs), on the other hand, invest their assets primarily in equity REIT securities and other derivatives. They often have low expense ratios and passively track indexes for the larger real estate market.2 These REIT indexes include a number of different types of REITs as components. By tracking an index, an investor can gain exposure to the larger real estate sector without having to risk capital on one individual company.------------------Real estate investment trusts are companies that own and operate real estate to produce and generate income.REIT exchange-traded funds invest their assets primarily in equity REIT securities and other derivatives. There are three different kinds of REITs: Equity REITs, mortgage REITs, and hybrid REITs.REITs don't have to pay income taxes as long as they comply with certain federal regulations.REIT ETFs are passively managed around indexes of publicly-traded owners of real estate. = ------------------------------- Investment portfolio managemen t aims at capital growth and seeks for the appreciation of the investment value or net present value. It strategises the gradual return on investments to create maximum value. Diversification of funds leads to stability and security against market uncertainties
Finally, be prepared to hold your investments for as long as possible. It will likely take decades to reach multimillionaire status, but the more time your money has to grow, the more you can potentially earn.
Say, for example, you're just getting started in the stock market, and your investments are earning a 10% average annual rate of return (meaning the returns you earn year after year average out to around 10% over time)
--------------- Investment portfolio managemen
investing is simple. That doesn't mean it is easy. It just means that what you need for success is fairly straightforward
- First, insist upon a margin of safety, and it's best to invest in assets you understand. = Always keep your eyes open for opportunities, and allocate capital by opportunity cost.
- First, insist upon a margin of safety, and it's best to invest in assets you understand. = Always keep your eyes open for opportunities, and allocate capital by opportunity cost.
Make Conservative Valuations
First, be conservative In your valuation assumptions. Many have a habit of extrapolating recent events into the future. When times are good.
First, be conservative In your valuation assumptions. Many have a habit of extrapolating recent events into the future. When times are good.
Invest in Assets You Understand
How can you estimate the future earnings per share of a company? In the case of a major beverage company, for instance, there are a few things you could look at: per-capita product consumption by various countries in the world, input costs such as sugar prices.
============= "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Guess what? The MD - The Doctors learn much more in the mistakes they made in their practice than in school..
As a human being, anytime you made a mistake you suppose to learn something from it at least an important lesson.. and that should make you wiser in life. The staff of Financial Academy School..----
How can you estimate the future earnings per share of a company? In the case of a major beverage company, for instance, there are a few things you could look at: per-capita product consumption by various countries in the world, input costs such as sugar prices.
============= "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Guess what? The MD - The Doctors learn much more in the mistakes they made in their practice than in school..
Fixed Income Investing
Before investing in fixed income products, every investor should
understand what bonds are, their relevant risks and rewards, and factors
that influence their prices and returns.
Individuals generally choose fixed income investments for two basic reasons:
(1) for a stable income stream, and
(2) to attempt to protect principal value.
Fixed income investors should begin with a core portfolio that has a
solid foundation, acceptable level of risk, stable returns across
interest rate cycles, and, if possible, favorable tax considerations.
Yields can be enhanced by investing in bonds in sectors that offer the
best relative value in terms of yield differential and in positions that are callable to site a couple of examples. Remember, just as interest rate levels change, so can an investor’s objectives. Fixed income portfolios should be reviewed periodically and adjusted, when necessary, to reflect current financial goals and market conditions.
A number of investment strategies can be tailored to meet each investor’s financial objectives.
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Retirement Stocks for an Income-Rich...
Want to Retire Early? Buy and Hold These Dividend Stocks...
The market will always go up and down, but your goals and objectives are still your goals and objectives. fruitalinvestment
When you buy a product to use or food to eat you are a consumer.
When you invest your money in a company who produces stuffs, you're a producer/investor. www.
When you invest in a company for 3, 6, months and then sell. You are not an investor, you are a trader.
But when you invest in a company for a year or more you are classified as investor. =
Real estate is something important and interesting that people need to own for the rest of their life. visiononerealestates
Invest in what you love.
Take Control of Your Financial Future. Now.
What is your time frame for investing?
Are you investing for income or growth?
You Can Retire Sooner Than You May Think— Here Are Few Ways To Make It Happen. Yes you can retire with time on your hands and money in your pockets... www. knowledgefinancialgroup.
Invest In: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
What Is an ETF? An ETF is a type of fund that holds multiple assets rather than buying one stock.
An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a type of security that tracks an index, sector, commodity, or other asset, but which can be purchased or sold like a stock.
Currency ETFs, Commodity ETFs, Stock ETFs, Bond ETFs, Real Estate ETS's, Pharmaceutical ETF, Technology ETF"s. Precious Metal ETF's etc. knowledgefinancialgroup
ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds are passively managed funds and they have less/lower fees
Invest In Index Funds:
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Index funds, are funds that give you exposure to an entire index. You can only buy index fund once a day.
Index funds give you diversified access to all the companies you know and Index funds help people purchase a larger part of the market instead of single stocks... www.
------- -----------
Retirement Stock #5: Procter & Gamble (PG) - Procter & Gamble, headquartered in Cincinnat, Ohio was founded way back in 1837. Today they operate large manufacturing facilities in over 80 countries. As a result, they have a history of impacting local property prices.
Retirement Stock #6: McDonald’s Corporation (MCD)
McDonald’s is the world’s largest publicly-traded fast food company, with about 39,000 locations in over 100 countries. Approximately 93% of the stores are independently owned and operated. Its accelerated franchising activity over the past few years has helped boost McDonald’s profit margins, and overall earnings-per-share.
McDonald’s competitive advantage is its global scale, immense network of restaurants, well-known brand and real estate assets. McDonald’s is one of the most universally-recognized and most valuable brands in the world.
Retirement Stock #7: Verizon Communications (VZ)
Verizon Communications is one of the largest wireless carriers in the country. Wireless contributes three-quarters of all revenues, and broadband and cable services account for about a quarter of sales. The company’s network covers ~300 million people and 98% of the U.S, as it continues its rollout of 5G service.
One of Verizon’s key competitive advantages is that it is often considered the best wireless carrier in the U.S. This is evidenced by the company’s wireless net additions and very low churn rate.
Retirement Stock #9: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Johnson & Johnson is a diversified health care company and a mega-cap stock with a market cap above $400 billion. J&J is a market leader in the area of pharmaceuticals (~49% of sales), medical devices (~34% of sales) and consumer products (~17% of sales). Johnson & Johnson generates annual sales in excess of $90 billion.
The company has built a dominant business model, and has produced 8% average annual earnings-per-share growth over the past 20 years.
Retirement Stock #10: The Coca-Cola Company (KO)
Coca-Cola is a global beverage giant. It is the world’s largest beverage company, as it owns or licenses more than 500 unique non-alcoholic brands. Since the company’s founding in 1886, it has spread to more than 200 countries worldwide. Its brands account for about 2 billion servings of beverages worldwide every day, producing roughly $36 billion in annual revenue.
Acquisitions are a key component of Coca-Cola’s future growth strategy. For example, Coca-Cola acquired Costa in a $4.9 billion acquisition, which gave it instant exposure to coffee, a high-growth market.
Retirement Stock #11: PepsiCo (PEP)
PepsiCo is a global food and beverage company. It has a diversified business model that is roughly evenly split between food and beverages. The company’s major brands include Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, and Quaker. PepsiCo has 23 brands that each generate at least $1 billion in annual sales.
Retirement Stock #12: Consolidated Edison (ED)
Consolidated Edison is a major U.S. utility that delivers electricity, natural gas, and steam to its customers in New York City and Westchester County. It has annual revenues of about $12 billion.
Retirement Stock #13: Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB)
The Kimberly-Clark Corporation is a global consumer products company that makes disposable consumer products, including paper towels, diapers, and tissues. It manufactures many popular brands including Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex, Depend, Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle, and Viva.
Retirement Stock #14: American Electric Power (AEP)
American Electric Power was founded in 1906 and has evolved its business model along with changing technologies to offer customers safe, reliable, and affordable energy. It is one of the largest regulated utilities in the United States and offers electricity generation, transmission, and distribution services in 11 states. Its energy sources are coal, natural gas, renewables, and nuclear.
The company serves 5.5 million customers and has over $80 billion in assets, with 40,000 miles of transmission. AEP has paid over 444 consecutive quarterly dividends on its common stock...
Retirement Stock #15: AbbVie Inc. (ABBV) If you're looking for some safety on the dividend front, consider Bristol Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY), Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ), and Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO). These investments have the potential to pay you dividends forever.
High-Yielding Dividend Stocks That Could Pay You Forever...
------------- Investment Resources; WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL
The help you need is right here at Knowledge Financial Group - www.knowledgefinancial. ----
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Real Estate Investment: Types of Property Ownership @ Buyheremarket ( Secret Sources of Income for Early Retirees...
Withdrawals from any retirement account — if you are willing to pay the penalty
Finally, you can always withdraw funds from a 401(k), IRA or other similar retirement account at any time if you are willing to pay taxes and penalties on the amount you withdraw.
This option can provide you with quick access to cash, especially if you need money fast to pay for an emergency expense or other obligation.
Of course, you pay a tremendous price for the privilege of withdrawing money in this way. The penalty on the withdrawn amount is generally 10%, plus you pay whatever you would in regular income taxes, which depends on your tax rate. That can add up to a hefty chunk of your withdrawal, and for many people, it is unlikely they will be able to make up that lost money in the future.
------------------ Most Important Assets That Will Increase Your Net Worth...
Before investing in fixed income products, every investor should understand what bonds are, their relevant risks and rewards, and factors that influence their prices and returns.
Individuals generally choose fixed income investments for two basic reasons:
(1) for a stable income stream, and
(2) to attempt to protect principal value.
Fixed income investors should begin with a core portfolio that has a solid foundation, acceptable level of risk, stable returns across interest rate cycles, and, if possible, favorable tax considerations. Yields can be enhanced by investing in bonds in sectors that offer the best relative value in terms of yield differential and in positions that are callable to site a couple of examples. Remember, just as interest rate levels change, so can an investor’s objectives. Fixed income portfolios should be reviewed periodically and adjusted, when necessary, to reflect current financial goals and market conditions.
A number of investment strategies can be tailored to meet each investor’s financial objectives.
Retirement Stocks for an Income-Rich...
Want to Retire Early? Buy and Hold These Dividend Stocks...
The market will always go up and down, but your goals and objectives are still your goals and objectives.
When you buy a product to use or food to eat you are a consumer.
When you invest your money in a company who produces stuffs, you're a producer/investor. www.
When you invest in a company for 3, 6, months and then sell. You are not an investor, you are a trader.
But when you invest in a company for a year or more you are classified as investor. =
Real estate is something important and interesting that people need to own for the rest of their life.
Invest in what you love.
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What is your time frame for investing?
Are you investing for income or growth?
You Can Retire Sooner Than You May Think— Here Are Few Ways To Make It Happen. Yes you can retire with time on your hands and money in your pockets... www.
Invest In: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
What Is an ETF? An ETF is a type of fund that holds multiple assets rather than buying one stock.
An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a type of security that tracks an index, sector, commodity, or other asset, but which can be purchased or sold like a stock.
Currency ETFs, Commodity ETFs, Stock ETFs, Bond ETFs, Real Estate ETS's, Pharmaceutical ETF, Technology ETF"s. Precious Metal ETF's etc.
ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds are passively managed funds and they have less/lower fees
Invest In Index Funds:
Index funds, are funds that give you exposure to an entire index. You can only buy index fund once a day.
one or two companies. WWW.BUYHEREMARKET.
Index funds give you diversified access to all the companies you know and Index funds help people purchase a larger part of the market instead of single stocks... www.
------- -----------
Retirement Stock #5: Procter & Gamble (PG) - Procter & Gamble, headquartered in Cincinnat, Ohio was founded way back in 1837. Today they operate large manufacturing facilities in over 80 countries. As a result, they have a history of impacting local property prices.
Retirement Stock #6: McDonald’s Corporation (MCD)
McDonald’s is the world’s largest publicly-traded fast food company, with about 39,000 locations in over 100 countries. Approximately 93% of the stores are independently owned and operated. Its accelerated franchising activity over the past few years has helped boost McDonald’s profit margins, and overall earnings-per-share.
McDonald’s competitive advantage is its global scale, immense network of restaurants, well-known brand and real estate assets. McDonald’s is one of the most universally-recognized and most valuable brands in the world.
Retirement Stock #7: Verizon Communications (VZ)
Verizon Communications is one of the largest wireless carriers in the country. Wireless contributes three-quarters of all revenues, and broadband and cable services account for about a quarter of sales. The company’s network covers ~300 million people and 98% of the U.S, as it continues its rollout of 5G service.
One of Verizon’s key competitive advantages is that it is often considered the best wireless carrier in the U.S. This is evidenced by the company’s wireless net additions and very low churn rate.
Retirement Stock #9: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Johnson & Johnson is a diversified health care company and a mega-cap stock with a market cap above $400 billion. J&J is a market leader in the area of pharmaceuticals (~49% of sales), medical devices (~34% of sales) and consumer products (~17% of sales). Johnson & Johnson generates annual sales in excess of $90 billion.
The company has built a dominant business model, and has produced 8% average annual earnings-per-share growth over the past 20 years.
Retirement Stock #10: The Coca-Cola Company (KO)
Coca-Cola is a global beverage giant. It is the world’s largest beverage company, as it owns or licenses more than 500 unique non-alcoholic brands. Since the company’s founding in 1886, it has spread to more than 200 countries worldwide. Its brands account for about 2 billion servings of beverages worldwide every day, producing roughly $36 billion in annual revenue.
Acquisitions are a key component of Coca-Cola’s future growth strategy. For example, Coca-Cola acquired Costa in a $4.9 billion acquisition, which gave it instant exposure to coffee, a high-growth market.
Retirement Stock #11: PepsiCo (PEP)
PepsiCo is a global food and beverage company. It has a diversified business model that is roughly evenly split between food and beverages. The company’s major brands include Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, and Quaker. PepsiCo has 23 brands that each generate at least $1 billion in annual sales.
Retirement Stock #12: Consolidated Edison (ED)
Consolidated Edison is a major U.S. utility that delivers electricity, natural gas, and steam to its customers in New York City and Westchester County. It has annual revenues of about $12 billion.
Retirement Stock #13: Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB)
The Kimberly-Clark Corporation is a global consumer products company that makes disposable consumer products, including paper towels, diapers, and tissues. It manufactures many popular brands including Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex, Depend, Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle, and Viva.
Retirement Stock #14: American Electric Power (AEP)
American Electric Power was founded in 1906 and has evolved its business model along with changing technologies to offer customers safe, reliable, and affordable energy. It is one of the largest regulated utilities in the United States and offers electricity generation, transmission, and distribution services in 11 states. Its energy sources are coal, natural gas, renewables, and nuclear.
The company serves 5.5 million customers and has over $80 billion in assets, with 40,000 miles of transmission. AEP has paid over 444 consecutive quarterly dividends on its common stock...
Retirement Stock #15: AbbVie Inc. (ABBV) If you're looking for some safety on the dividend front, consider Bristol Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY), Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ), and Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO). These investments have the potential to pay you dividends forever.
High-Yielding Dividend Stocks That Could Pay You Forever...
The help you need is right here at Knowledge Financial Group - www.knowledgefinancial.
Awesome blogs, very instructive and very informative!
All Weather Portfolio is an investment philosophy:
Investment Strategies And Opportunities for today’s
Real Estate Investment: Types of Property Ownership @ Buyheremarket (
Secret Sources of Income for Early Retirees...
Withdrawals from any retirement account — if you are willing to pay the penalty
Finally, you can always withdraw funds from a 401(k), IRA or other similar retirement account at any time if you are willing to pay taxes and penalties on the amount you withdraw.
This option can provide you with quick access to cash, especially if you need money fast to pay for an emergency expense or other obligation.
Of course, you pay a tremendous price for the privilege of withdrawing money in this way. The penalty on the withdrawn amount is generally 10%, plus you pay whatever you would in regular income taxes, which depends on your tax rate. That can add up to a hefty chunk of your withdrawal, and for many people, it is unlikely they will be able to make up that lost money in the future.
------------------ Most Important Assets That Will Increase Your Net Worth...
Your net worth is more than just the balance in your bank account. It’s a measure of your financial health.
To get the answer to “What is my net worth?” subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. If you’re trying to figure out which assets are the most valuable or will otherwise give your net worth a
boost, here’s a rundown of 15 critical assets.
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Your net worth is more than just the balance in your bank account. It’s a measure of your financial health.
To get the answer to “What is my net worth?” subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. If you’re trying to figure out which assets are the most valuable or will otherwise give your net worth a boost, here’s a rundown of 15 critical assets.
Owning Your Primary Residence
Homeownership ranks among the
most common ways people gain a substantial increase in net worth.
Instead of choosing the traditional 30-year mortgage, opt for a 15- or 20-year term, so you can pay it off more quickly, which will result in a
significant asset and savings on interest.
Homeownership ranks among the most common ways people gain a substantial increase in net worth. Instead of choosing the traditional 30-year mortgage, opt for a 15- or 20-year term, so you can pay it off more quickly, which will result in a significant asset and savings on interest.
Fruital Investment Group And Wealth Management.
Are you thinking about investing? Congratulations! Even considering investing within your financial decisions shows that you have great insight and potential to have full control over your wealth and the ability to grow it over time. Femkonsa Capital Investment -
Investing your money is the most dependable way to increase your wealth over time. However, you need knowledge when investing your hard-earned money.
Money Wisers Group -
Are you thinking about investing? Congratulations! Even considering investing within your financial decisions shows that you have great insight and potential to have full control over your wealth and the ability to grow it over time. Femkonsa Capital Investment -
Investing your money is the most dependable way to increase your wealth over time. However, you need knowledge when investing your hard-earned money.
Money Wisers Group -
Second homes are a savvy way to earn passive income
via short-term rental platforms like HomeAway, VRBO or Airbnb. At first, you can use the extra income to help pay off your mortgage more quickly.
Then, once you pay off the mortgage, you’ll own a significant asset while still benefitting from the passive income of renting it out if you choose .
----------Personal Finance: Where are the safe places to put your money in time of financial crises, economic turmoil?
Finance: Fixed Income Security Investment: Types Of Fixed Income Investments..
Preferred Stocks vs. Common Stocks. = // Types of Preferred Stocks... Why Do Companies Issue Preferred
'' How the Fed Keeps Track of Our Money Supply? // INVESTMENT'S SECRETS REVEALED, THE ABC's OF INVESTMENTS...
Femkonsa Capital: Best Index Funds vs Best ETF"s = Exchange Traded Funds.
Second homes are a savvy way to earn passive income via short-term rental platforms like HomeAway, VRBO or Airbnb. At first, you can use the extra income to help pay off your mortgage more quickly.
Then, once you pay off the mortgage, you’ll own a significant asset while still benefitting from the passive income of renting it out if you choose .
Finance: Fixed Income Security Investment: Types Of Fixed Income Investments..
Preferred Stocks vs. Common Stocks. = // Types of Preferred Stocks... Why Do Companies Issue Preferred
'' How the Fed Keeps Track of Our Money Supply? // INVESTMENT'S SECRETS REVEALED, THE ABC's OF INVESTMENTS...
Femkonsa Capital: Best Index Funds vs Best ETF"s = Exchange Traded Funds.
Investing In Rental Real Estate
When you use the bank’s money to acquire
rental properties, you’re effectively building your net worth. Once you
start renting out the properties, use the income to pay off the mortgages instead of dipping into your bank account. Your properties will gain equity; plus, their market value should increase over time.
If you’re not ready to acquire properties solely on your own, but you have real estate savvy, you can get a group of investors to come up with the
down payment with the understanding that you’ll have a percentage of ownership in the property. And once you’ve successfully financed the
rental property, you can negotiate a fee from the investors for its management..
---------- Investments
When you use the bank’s money to acquire rental properties, you’re effectively building your net worth. Once you start renting out the properties, use the income to pay off the mortgages instead of dipping into your bank account. Your properties will gain equity; plus, their market value should increase over time.
If you’re not ready to acquire properties solely on your own, but you have real estate savvy, you can get a group of investors to come up with the down payment with the understanding that you’ll have a percentage of ownership in the property. And once you’ve successfully financed the rental property, you can negotiate a fee from the investors for its management..
---------- Investments
Investing can be a good income strategy, but it’s
not a sure thing. Take the time to research investments before you commit. You’ll also need to have a clear understanding of when to buy and sell solid stocks from great companies.
If you’re inexperienced in the stock market, you
don’t have to go it alone. Seek out advice from an investment advisor
who help you pick the best stocks for your portfolio based on the type
of risk you’re comfortable assuming and the return you would like to
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Investing can be a good income strategy, but it’s not a sure thing. Take the time to research investments before you commit. You’ll also need to have a clear understanding of when to buy and sell solid stocks from great companies.
If you’re inexperienced in the stock market, you don’t have to go it alone. Seek out advice from an investment advisor who help you pick the best stocks for your portfolio based on the type of risk you’re comfortable assuming and the return you would like to earn.
-------------- Private Lending
Being someone else’s bank allows you to
generate passive income that can boost your net worth. Private loans, notes and trust deeds are investments where you loan money to private
individuals or entities in exchange for interest.
With these type of investments, you’ll still receive a consistent rate of return regardless if the value of the underlying asset goes up or down — which
translates into funds you can choose to reinvest and gain more wealth.
To protect your interests, make sure you understand the ins and outs of a potential investment by considering consulting with a professional with extensive experience for advice, such as a broker, entity or regulated and properly licensed partner.
---------- Permanent Life Insurance
Being someone else’s bank allows you to generate passive income that can boost your net worth. Private loans, notes and trust deeds are investments where you loan money to private individuals or entities in exchange for interest.
With these type of investments, you’ll still receive a consistent rate of return regardless if the value of the underlying asset goes up or down — which translates into funds you can choose to reinvest and gain more wealth.
To protect your interests, make sure you understand the ins and outs of a potential investment by considering consulting with a professional with extensive experience for advice, such as a broker, entity or regulated and properly licensed partner.
---------- Permanent Life Insurance
Most people assume they can’t access their life insurance unless something happens to them, but that isn’t always true.
If you have a permanent life insurance policy — such as a whole life, universal life or variable life policy — the premiums you pay will grow
tax-deferred. Once the policy has reached a certain cash value, you can access the funds tax-free. The accumulated cash, less any fees, counts
as an asset that can increase your net worth.
If you’re interested in getting permanent life insurance, consider working with an independent life insurance broker.
------------ Health
Most people assume they can’t access their life insurance unless something happens to them, but that isn’t always true.
If you have a permanent life insurance policy — such as a whole life, universal life or variable life policy — the premiums you pay will grow tax-deferred. Once the policy has reached a certain cash value, you can access the funds tax-free. The accumulated cash, less any fees, counts as an asset that can increase your net worth.
If you’re interested in getting permanent life insurance, consider working with an independent life insurance broker.
------------ Health
Having good health is a critical asset to building
your net worth. It allows you to work more hours and be more productive
without spending a bundle on medical appointments, treatments or surgeries. Invest in good health by eating well, exercising and visiting your doctor for regular checkups.
-------------Millionaire Portfolio: Passive Income - Residual Income - Earned Income - Portfolio Income. HERE ARE MUCH MORE... =
Research & Learning -/
Dividend Stocks: List Of Dividend Paying Companies. Quarterly monthly cash-flow = Return On Investment... LEARN MUCH
Knowledge Center: 101 Ways to Make Money Online We often recommend earning some extra income on the side .
Entrepreneur: Business Ideas And Opportunities.
Economic: Different Types Of Market To Invest in...------------- Investing Success 101: If You Have More Than $1,000 in Your Saving/Checking Account, Make These Moves.
Investing Success For A Better Retirement.----------------Congrats! You’re on the right path. Now it’s time to think about letting money working for you.
Do you want to buy a big price tag item someday?Just Invest Today?
Take control of your finances to go to the next level?We’ve got some ideas for you:
Invest in Real Estate. Real estate stocks, real estate funds, real estate investment trust { REIT'S } You can get started with a minimum investment of just $500..
Real estate has traditionally been one of the most sought-after asset classes for professional investors1 — now it’s available to you.
Smarter diversification
Now you can diversify outside of the public markets with private real estate, allowing you to reduce risk and improve stability.With Flexible Investment Minimums---------------Knowledge Financial Group was Built to help smart investors invest smarter, wiser.---------------------------INVEST IN BLUE CHIP STOCKS......Investors in blue chip stocks are generally assured of receiving regular dividend payments and having their portfolios protected against inflation.
Most investors understand that blue-chip stocks have stable earnings. During an economic downturn, investors may turn to these perceived "safe havens" because of their steady nature.----------------------INVEST IN INDEX FUNDS....When you buy an index fund, you get a diversified selection of securities in one easy, low-cost investment. Some index funds provide exposure to thousands of securities in a single fund.----------------------Index Funds: How to Invest and Best Funds.....Index funds are a low-fee, no-fuss way to invest. It might be the smartest and easiest investment you ever make.1. Pick which index2. Select which index fund3. Decide where to buyIndex funds are investments made up of stocks that mirror the companies and performance of a market index, such as the S&P 500. Index funds are passively managed and have lower fees than actively managed funds, and often generate higher investment returns.----------------Pick which indexIndex mutual funds track various indexes. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index is one of the best-known indexes because the 500 companies it tracks include large, well-known U.S.-based businesses representing a wide range of industries.
But the S&P 500 isn’t the only index in town.----------------Company size and capitalization. Index funds that track small, medium-sized or large companies (also known as small-, mid- or large-cap indexes).
Geography. These funds focus on stocks that trade on foreign exchanges or a combination of international exchanges.
Business sector or industry. Funds that focus on consumer goods, technology, health-related businesses, for example.
Asset type. Funds that track domestic and foreign bonds, commodities, cash.
Market opportunities. Emerging markets or other nascent but growing sectors for investment.
Despite the array of choices, you may need to invest in only one.--------------------WARNING: The investing information provided on this page is for educational purposes only...
Tax Lien Investing: What You Need To Know...
What Is A Tax Lien?
Tax lien investing is a type of real estate investing where individuals purchase tax lien certificates.
These certificates are created when local governments place liens on people’s property due to unpaid property taxes.
There are 28 states that currently allow for the sale of tax lien certificates. And considering there are $21 billion of delinquent property taxes each year, it’s a booming business.
It’s important to clarify that tax liens are different from mortgage liens.Mortgage lien gives your lender a claim to your property until you pay back your mortgage loan.
A tax lien gives the government or owner of the tax lien certificate claim to the property.
--------------- The 4 Basic Elements of Stock Value...
Having good health is a critical asset to building your net worth. It allows you to work more hours and be more productive without spending a bundle on medical appointments, treatments or surgeries. Invest in good health by eating well, exercising and visiting your doctor for regular checkups.
Research & Learning -/
Dividend Stocks: List Of Dividend Paying Companies. Quarterly monthly cash-flow = Return On Investment... LEARN MUCH
Knowledge Center: 101 Ways to Make Money Online We often recommend earning some extra income on the side .
Entrepreneur: Business Ideas And Opportunities.
Economic: Different Types Of Market To Invest in...
------------- Investing Success 101: If You Have More Than $1,000 in Your Saving/Checking Account, Make These Moves.
Investing has a set of four basic elements that investors use to break down a stock's value. In this article, we will look at four commonly used financial ratios—price-to-book (P/B) ratio, price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, price-to-earnings growth (PEG) ratio, and dividend yield—and what they can tell you about a stock. Financial ratios are powerful tools to help summarize financial statements and the health of a company or enterprise.
P/E, P/B, PEG and dividend yields are four commonly used metrics that can help break down a stock's value and outlook. -----------------------
Price-To-Book (P/B) Ratio
Made for glass-half-empty people, the price-to-book (P/B) ratio represents the value of the company if it is torn up and sold today..
Made for glass-half-empty people, the price-to-book (P/B) ratio represents the value of the company if it is torn up and sold today..
Price-To-Earnings (P/E) Ratio
The price to earnings (P/E) ratio is possibly the most scrutinized of all the ratios. If sudden increases in a stock's price are the sizzle, then the P/E ratio is the steak. A stock can go up in value without significant earnings increases, but the P/E ratio is what decides if it can stay up. Without earnings to back up the price, a stock will eventually fall back down.
The price to earnings (P/E) ratio is possibly the most scrutinized of all the ratios. If sudden increases in a stock's price are the sizzle, then the P/E ratio is the steak. A stock can go up in value without significant earnings increases, but the P/E ratio is what decides if it can stay up. Without earnings to back up the price, a stock will eventually fall back down.
Price-to-Earnings Growth (PEG) Ratio
Because the P/E ratio isn't enough in and of itself, many investors use the price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio. Instead of merely looking at the price and earnings, the PEG ratio incorporates the historical growth rate of the company's earnings.
This ratio also tells you how company A's stock stacks up against company B's stock. The PEG ratio is calculated by taking the P/E ratio of a company and dividing it by the year-over-year growth rate of its earnings. The lower the value of your PEG ratio, the better the deal you're getting for the stock's future estimated earnings.
---------------- Dividend Yield
Because the P/E ratio isn't enough in and of itself, many investors use the price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio. Instead of merely looking at the price and earnings, the PEG ratio incorporates the historical growth rate of the company's earnings.
This ratio also tells you how company A's stock stacks up against company B's stock. The PEG ratio is calculated by taking the P/E ratio of a company and dividing it by the year-over-year growth rate of its earnings. The lower the value of your PEG ratio, the better the deal you're getting for the stock's future estimated earnings.
---------------- Dividend Yield
It's always nice to have a back-up when a stock's growth falters. This is why dividend-paying stocks are attractive to many investors—even when prices drop, you get a paycheck. The dividend yield shows how much of a payday you're getting for your money. By dividing the stock's annual dividend by the stock's price, you get a percentage. You can think of that percentage as the interest on your money, with the additional chance at growth through the appreciation of the stock.
It's always nice to have a back-up when a stock's growth falters. This is why dividend-paying stocks are attractive to many investors—even when prices drop, you get a paycheck. The dividend yield shows how much of a payday you're getting for your money. By dividing the stock's annual dividend by the stock's price, you get a percentage. You can think of that percentage as the interest on your money, with the additional chance at growth through the appreciation of the stock.
Things to Know About the Stock Market...
Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging is a stock-market strategy that can help decrease the risks that come with an asset falling in price,. The basic concept is to invest a set amount of money in an asset once every set period of time
--------------------------- Stop Orders and Market Orders
Dollar-cost averaging is a stock-market strategy that can help decrease the risks that come with an asset falling in price,. The basic concept is to invest a set amount of money in an asset once every set period of time
--------------------------- Stop Orders and Market Orders
Stop orders give instructions to buy or sell a stock once it reaches a certain price, as claimed. Market orders buy or sell a stock at any price
----------------------------- Public Company Review
Stop orders give instructions to buy or sell a stock once it reaches a certain price, as claimed. Market orders buy or sell a stock at any price
----------------------------- Public Company Review
Investors must research the enormous amount of data available on public companies to determine whether they are suitable for their portfolios.
Investors must research the enormous amount of data available on public companies to determine whether they are suitable for their portfolios.
Earnings: Earnings are the long-term driver of stock prices.
Earnings Recession
When S&P 500 earnings decline on a year-over-year basis during two consecutive quarters, industry experts call it an earnings recession. The S&P 500 index historically reflects the GDP, or gross domestic product, in the United States...
--------------- Risk Cycle
When S&P 500 earnings decline on a year-over-year basis during two consecutive quarters, industry experts call it an earnings recession. The S&P 500 index historically reflects the GDP, or gross domestic product, in the United States...
--------------- Risk Cycle
The risk cycle examines the broader psychology of participants in the stock market' The risk cycle is a way to measure the collective mood and subsequent actions of investors in the stock market and the economy in general.
------------------------ How To Choose Stocks
The risk cycle examines the broader psychology of participants in the stock market' The risk cycle is a way to measure the collective mood and subsequent actions of investors in the stock market and the economy in general.
------------------------ How To Choose Stocks
Stock market experts suggest using five criteria to evaluate investments: asset utilization, current and projected profitability, earnings momentum, capital structure and intrinsic instead of market value. Investors without an adviser should perform their own due diligence,
------------------------------ - Due Diligence
Stock market experts suggest using five criteria to evaluate investments: asset utilization, current and projected profitability, earnings momentum, capital structure and intrinsic instead of market value. Investors without an adviser should perform their own due diligence,
What does due diligence mean in investment?
- Due diligence is an investigation or audit of a potential investment or product to confirm all facts , such as reviewing all financial records, plus anything else deemed material. It refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction with another party
The Internet offers free, real-time access to stock data at your fingertips, as reported by many, Consider whether a company's industry, sector and enterprise is consistent with your asset allocation.
Due diligence is performed by equity research analysts, fund managers, broker-dealers, individual investors, and companies that are considering acquiring other companies.
- Due diligence is an investigation of a potential investment (such as a stock) or product to confirm all facts and to ensure the purchase will meet the buyer's needs.
- You should consider a variety of factors when performing due diligence on a stock, including company capitalization, revenue, valuations, competitors, management, and risks.
- By taking the time to perform due diligence on a stock before making a purchase, you'll be better equipped to make a decision that aligns with your overall investment strategy.
- ------------------------------
What does due diligence mean in investment?
- Due diligence is an investigation or audit of a potential investment or product to confirm all facts , such as reviewing all financial records, plus anything else deemed material. It refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction with another party
The Internet offers free, real-time access to stock data at your fingertips, as reported by many, Consider whether a company's industry, sector and enterprise is consistent with your asset allocation.
Due diligence is performed by equity research analysts, fund managers, broker-dealers, individual investors, and companies that are considering acquiring other companies.
- Due diligence is an investigation of a potential investment (such as a stock) or product to confirm all facts and to ensure the purchase will meet the buyer's needs.
- You should consider a variety of factors when performing due diligence on a stock, including company capitalization, revenue, valuations, competitors, management, and risks.
- By taking the time to perform due diligence on a stock before making a purchase, you'll be better equipped to make a decision that aligns with your overall investment strategy.
- ------------------------------
Management and Ownership
As part of performing due diligence on a stock, you'll want to answer some key questions regarding the company's management and ownership. Is the company still run by its founders? Or has management and the board shuffled in a lot of new faces? The age of the company is a big factor here, as younger companies tend to have more of the founding members still around. Look at consolidated bios of top managers to see what kind of broad experiences they have. You can find this information on the company's website or in its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- ------------------------------
As part of performing due diligence on a stock, you'll want to answer some key questions regarding the company's management and ownership. Is the company still run by its founders? Or has management and the board shuffled in a lot of new faces? The age of the company is a big factor here, as younger companies tend to have more of the founding members still around. Look at consolidated bios of top managers to see what kind of broad experiences they have. You can find this information on the company's website or in its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- ------------------------------
Company Capitalization
The first step is for you to form a mental picture or diagram of the company you're researching. This is why you'll want to look at the company's market capitalization, which shows you just how big the company is by calculating the total dollar market value of its outstanding shares
The first step is for you to form a mental picture or diagram of the company you're researching. This is why you'll want to look at the company's market capitalization, which shows you just how big the company is by calculating the total dollar market value of its outstanding shares
Setting this vital piece aside for the end makes sure that we're always emphasizing the risks inherent with investing. Make sure to understand both industry-wide risks and company-specific ones. Are there outstanding legal or regulatory matters? Is management making decisions that lead to an increase in the company's revenues? Is the company eco-friendly?
------------------------------ ----- Stock Price History
Setting this vital piece aside for the end makes sure that we're always emphasizing the risks inherent with investing. Make sure to understand both industry-wide risks and company-specific ones. Are there outstanding legal or regulatory matters? Is management making decisions that lead to an increase in the company's revenues? Is the company eco-friendly?
At this point, you'll want to nail down just how long all classes of shares have been trading, as well as both short-term and long-term price movement. Has the stock price been choppy and volatile, or smooth and steady? This outlines what kind of profit experience the average owner of the stock has seen, which can influence future stock movement. Stocks that are continuously volatile tend to have short-term shareholders.
------------------------------ Stock Options and Dilution
At this point, you'll want to nail down just how long all classes of shares have been trading, as well as both short-term and long-term price movement. Has the stock price been choppy and volatile, or smooth and steady? This outlines what kind of profit experience the average owner of the stock has seen, which can influence future stock movement. Stocks that are continuously volatile tend to have short-term shareholders.
------------------------------ Stock Options and Dilution
Next, you'll need to dig into the 10-Q and 10-K reports. Quarterly SEC filings are required to show all outstanding stock options as well as the conversion expectations given a range of future stock prices.2
Use this to help understand how the share count could change under different price scenarios. While stock options are potentially a powerful motivator for retaining employees
------------------------- Revenue, Margin Trends
Next, you'll need to dig into the 10-Q and 10-K reports. Quarterly SEC filings are required to show all outstanding stock options as well as the conversion expectations given a range of future stock prices.2
Use this to help understand how the share count could change under different price scenarios. While stock options are potentially a powerful motivator for retaining employees
------------------------- Revenue, Margin Trends
When you begin looking at the financial numbers related to the company you're researching, it may be best to start with the revenue, profit, and margin trends. Look up the revenue and net income trends for the past two years at a financial news site that allows you to easily search for detailed company information using the company name or ticker symbol.
---------------- Things Every New Investor Should Know About...
When you begin looking at the financial numbers related to the company you're researching, it may be best to start with the revenue, profit, and margin trends. Look up the revenue and net income trends for the past two years at a financial news site that allows you to easily search for detailed company information using the company name or ticker symbol.
Is Investing for Women Different?
There is no glass ceiling when it comes to investing because your stocks, businesses, bonds, real estate, and other properties don't know or care which gender you are! I've put together a special step-by-step guide for female investors you can read.
What do you have in your portfolios, ANTONY (@visionairebiz) | Twitter, We often recommend earning some extra income on the side. Earned income, Passive income, Portfolio income. Here are the possible ways to achieve what's possible...
What do you have in your portfolios, ANTONY (@visionairebiz) | Twitter, We often recommend earning some extra income on the side. Earned income, Passive income, Portfolio income. Here are the possible ways to achieve what's possible...
How Much Can I Contribute to My 401k, Roth IRA, or Other Retirement Account?
VISIONONE HOLDING COMPANY EXPLAINS: 401k contribution, IRA contribution limits, and other retirement account contribution limits all vary based upon the account type, tax law, and your household adjusted gross income. Experts said at least a minimum of 6 percent % should be contributed. If you work for a company who offers these stuffs and you don't participate, meaning that you're leaving money on the table for the company who is richer than you already. Be smart...
What Is a Put Option?
Visionaire Business Center=Visionairebiz explains: A put option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell his or her shares of a stock at a predetermined price. It is like an insurance policy. If the stock crashes, the put option owner can exercise his put option and avoid major losses.
What Is a Golden Parachute?

A golden parachute is a severance package given to high ranking executives that is so generous, they effectively would never have to work again because they could live off the dividends and interest of the money. "Their feet will never touch the ground.".'Financial Academy School & FINANCIAL LITERACY IT'S SIMPLE TO LEARN IT'S EASY TO LEARN IT'S FREE TO LEARN''=======
Things Every New Investor Should Know About
What Is a Dividend?
When a company earns a profit, it sometimes returns some of the money to the stockholders. If the Board of Directors votes to pay a $1 cash dividend per share and you owned 1,000 shares, you would get a check for $1,000 from the company======
What Is Dividend Yield?
Dividend yield tells you how much you should collect in cash dividends relative to how much you invest in a stock. It lets you compare a stock to a bond or CD. For example, a stock with a 4% dividend yield would pay $4 each year for every $100 invested'' Financial Education; To Obtain Financial Independence, To Feel Secure Economically, To Climb The Wealth Pyramid: Financial Knowledge And financial Literacy – Financial Education Is What Everybody Needs To Have a decent And Comfortable Lifestyle. ======
What Is the Ex-Dividend Date

The ex-dividend date is the official day that anyone owning shares will be entitled to an upcoming dividend (which is called the dividend distribution date). If you bought your stock the day after the ex-dividend date, you would NOT receive that dividend.=====
What Is the Dividend Declaration Date?

The dividend declaration date is the date at which a company's Board of Directors officially declares a dividend. At this point, the dividend becomes a legal obligation, or liability, of the company and must be paid at some point in the future.' Entrepreneurship, Business Initiative - WHERE AND HOW TO FIND MONEY TO START UP A BUSINESS. Entrepreneurship: How to become a successful entrepreneur..
Why Don't All Stocks Pay Dividends?
What Is the Capital Gains Tax?
Capital gains tax rates often depend upon how long they an investment has been held. The longer an investment is owned, the lower the capital gains tax. Some asset classes, such as real estate, have special capital gains tax rules and benefits.'' Wall Street Market Millionairesg In The Financial Market Stock Market. Stock market investing for success The 10 Commandments Of Investing In The Financial Market At knowledgefinancialgroup. com. The Most Interesting Investment Ideas. ===Financial Journey: Everyone financial journey is different...-------- Dividend Retirement Portfolio
The amount of money you earmark for a dividend investing strategy can be put to work across individual stocks and funds.
Dividend-paying mutual funds and ETFs offer low fees, immediate diversification, and simplicity. Funds are, for the most part, set-it-and-forget-it investments.
However, fund investors lose a valuable benefit: control.
Most funds own dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of stocks. Vanguard's High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM) owns over 400 companies, for example.
Some of these are good businesses with safe dividends, while others are lower in quality and will put their
dividends on the chopping block during the next downturn.
Financial And Retirement Planning Goals, Strategies for Every Decade of Life...
Good choice, excellent decisions is needed for each decade in life.
Set yourself up for future financial success by living each decade to its fullest.
Which decade can you afford to take more, or less risk? Which decade should you really start to plan seriously for retirement?
Which decade should you focus on managing debts?
Which decade should you take control over your finances?
Invest in Yourself:
When you are in your 20s and just starting a career, take time to invest in yourself, in your financial education..
Take the time to grow your human capital, life experiences and knowledge -- it doesn't get easier to invest in yourself later on in life.
Dividends in Retirement
Managing your assets for retirement can feel like an overwhelming process. There are many big decisions to make, based on your current financial situation, long-term goals, risk tolerance, and quality of life expectations.
With every decision, be sure to review the fees, flexibility, and fine print of the investment strategies you are considering.---------------------===================
Dividend stocks for retirees are stocks that pay consistent and high dividends and have profitable and stable businesses. Some dividend stocks are also Dividend Aristocrats, which have increased their dividends for 25 years or more. -----------To retire early, you'll need to consistently add to your investments in a diverse mix of stocks. Dividend stocks are a good source of passive income that will help support you in retirement. And three that you should consider buying today are ExxonMobil (XOM 2.49%), Chevron (CVX 2.55%), and Lockheed Martin (LMT===========
Early Retirement Portfolio: Stocks to Live Off Dividends ...
If I have to start start a new portfolio of high dividend stocks today, which stocks would I buy?--------- Here's a list of my inventory! Stock portfolio for new investors. Long-term investment. The best stocks to buy now for the long run. = High dividend stocks today, here are the stocks I would buy.
--------Dividend Stocks For Retirees and Newly Retired
..Retirees have a different set of needs than other investors. Retirees commonly want income from their investments, to help offset some of the income they are no longer receiving from employment. With rising costs of housing and health care, among other necessities, income is especially important.
But investing for income is no easy task nowadays, due to persistently low interest rates, and a stock market near record highs which has resulted in fairly low dividend yields.
Fortunately, there are still many suitable high dividend stocks that provide attractive levels of income for retirees, aside from rental properties. These 15 stocks have above-average dividend yields that beat the S&P 500 average, safe dividends that are nearly recession-proof, and also have the ability to raise their dividends over time.
Retirement Stock #1: Chevron Corporation (CVX)
Chevron is a well-known dividend growth stock, as it is on the prestigious Dividend Aristocrats list.
The company has increased its dividend for over 30 years in a row. Chevron is an integrated super-major, with large upstream (exploration and production) and downstream (refining and marketing) segments.
Retirement Stock #2: Altria Group (MO)
Altria Group is a legendary dividend stock. It has increased its dividend for over 50 years, making the stock a Dividend King.
The company manufactures tobacco products including the Marlboro cigarette brand in the U.S., as well as chewing tobacco and cigars.
In response to the long-running trend of declining smoking rates in the U.S., Altria has invested heavily in adjacent categories for growth. Altria purchased a 55% equity stake in Canadian marijuana producer Cronos Group,
Retirement Stock #3: Exxon Mobil (XOM)
Like Chevron, Exxon Mobil is also a Dividend Aristocrat and is a global energy super-major.
In the second quarter, Exxon’s production in the Permian grew 34% over last year’s quarter but total production dipped -2% due to maintenance activity.
Retirement Stock #4: AT&T Inc. (T)
AT&T is a telecom giant with a 7.4% dividend yield. AT&T is a telecommunications giant, as its core Communications segment provides mobile, broadband and video to 100 million U.S. consumers and 3 million businesses.
In the 2021 second quarter, AT&T generated 7% growth in revenue and adjusted earnings-per-share.
AT&T has announced a deal to combine WarnerMedia with Discovery, Inc. (DISCA) to create a new global entertainment company. AT&T will receive $43 billion in a combination of cash, securities and retention of debt.
We believe these various deals with allow AT&T to simplify its operations, become more efficient, and return to its core focus on telecom services such as the 5G rollout. Shares currently yield over 7%.
Retirement Stock #5: Procter & Gamble (PG)
Procter & Gamble, headquartered in Cincinnat, Ohio was founded way back in 1837. Today they operate large manufacturing facilities in over 80 countries. As a result, they have a history of impacting local property prices.
Retirement Stock #6: McDonald’s Corporation (MCD)
McDonald’s is the world’s largest publicly-traded fast food company, with about 39,000 locations in over 100 countries. Approximately 93% of the stores are independently owned and operated. Its accelerated franchising activity over the past few years has helped boost McDonald’s profit margins, and overall earnings-per-share.
McDonald’s competitive advantage is its global scale, immense network of restaurants, well-known brand and real estate assets. McDonald’s is one of the most universally-recognized and most valuable brands in the world.
Retirement Stock #7: Verizon Communications (VZ)
Verizon Communications is one of the largest wireless carriers in the country. Wireless contributes three-quarters of all revenues, and broadband and cable services account for about a quarter of sales. The company’s network covers ~300 million people and 98% of the U.S, as it continues its rollout of 5G service.
One of Verizon’s key competitive advantages is that it is often considered the best wireless carrier in the U.S. This is evidenced by the company’s wireless net additions and very low churn rate.
Retirement Stock #9: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Johnson & Johnson is a diversified health care company and a mega-cap stock with a market cap above $400 billion. J&J is a market leader in the area of pharmaceuticals (~49% of sales), medical devices (~34% of sales) and consumer products (~17% of sales). Johnson & Johnson generates annual sales in excess of $90 billion.
The company has built a dominant business model, and has produced 8% average annual earnings-per-share growth over the past 20 years.
Take Care Of Yourself Well By Late 40s, early 50s..
The midlife crisis can start to sneak up on people. Divorce, separation of couple happen and that is not good benefit.
1. Many people feel burned out or stressed at work
-- it's important to take care of yourself.
2. Set aside time to do financial planning and wellness.
3. Taking control of your finances can help you take care of yourself and reduce stress.
4. Burning out could negatively affect your health and finances and add additional layers of stress onto an already challenging situation.
Retirement Stock #10: The Coca-Cola Company (KO)
Coca-Cola is a global beverage giant. It is the world’s largest beverage company, as it owns or licenses more than 500 unique non-alcoholic brands. Since the company’s founding in 1886, it has spread to more than 200 countries worldwide. Its brands account for about 2 billion servings of beverages worldwide every day, producing roughly $36 billion in annual revenue.
Acquisitions are a key component of Coca-Cola’s future growth strategy. For example, Coca-Cola acquired Costa in a $4.9 billion acquisition, which gave it instant exposure to coffee, a high-growth market.
Retirement Stock #11: PepsiCo (PEP)
PepsiCo is a global food and beverage company. It has a diversified business model that is roughly evenly split between food and beverages. The company’s major brands include Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, and Quaker. PepsiCo has 23 brands that each generate at least $1 billion in annual sales.
Retirement Stock #12: Consolidated Edison (ED)
Consolidated Edison is a major U.S. utility that delivers electricity, natural gas, and steam to its customers in New York City and Westchester County. It has annual revenues of about $12 billion.
Retirement Stock #13: Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB)
The Kimberly-Clark Corporation is a global consumer products company that makes disposable consumer products, including paper towels, diapers, and tissues. It manufactures many popular brands including Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex, Depend, Kleenex, Scott, Cottonelle, and Viva.
Retirement Stock #14: American Electric Power (AEP)
American Electric Power was founded in 1906 and has evolved its business model along with changing technologies to offer customers safe, reliable, and affordable energy. It is one of the largest regulated utilities in the United States and offers electricity generation, transmission, and distribution services in 11 states. Its energy sources are coal, natural gas, renewables, and nuclear.
The company serves 5.5 million customers and has over $80 billion in assets, with 40,000 miles of transmission. AEP has paid over 444 consecutive quarterly dividends on its common stock...
Retirement Stock #15: AbbVie Inc. (ABBV)
AbbVie is a biotechnology company focused on developing and commercializing drugs for immunology, oncology and virology. AbbVie was spun off by Abbott Laboratories (ABT) in 2013. Since then, AbbVie has become one of the largest biotechnology companies, especially following the closing of its acquisition of Allergan.---------------
A rule of thumb in your 60s:
As you head into retirement, make sure you understand the 4% safe withdrawal rate for retirement spending. The rule states that historically in the U.S., with a 50% bond investment and a 50% stock investment, you could afford to spend 4% of your investments a year and not run out of money for 30 years. This is a conservative approach. KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL. BLOGSPOT.COM
Enjoy Life
You've worked hard your whole life, and you should enjoy your retirement. Having a sound financial plan that shows what you can spend and how long your money will last can allow you to do just that.
A lot of people worry about having enough money in retirement, so they hoard their money, refuse to spend it and ultimately don't enjoy themselves.
They're too fearful about the uncertainty of the future. Having a plan can help you live the lifestyle you want.
Tip No. 2: Make Your Money Last a Lifetime
A big part of planning for retirement while working and is about saving, investing and growing your wealth.
Once you get into retirement, you need to monitor how your plan is doing and make any adjustments necessary.
Your situation, the markets and your goals will change as your lifestyle changes. = http://visiononeholding.
Don't forget to plan and manage your required minimum distribtions (RMDs) from IRAs and 401(k)s.
Optimizing these assets can require new types of planning and tax strategies. = TWITTER.COM/BUYHEREMARKETON
As you start to spend down your money, keep track of your spending percentage of your assets.
Use the 4% rule to help monitor your plan over time. If your withdrawal rate from your assets starts nearing 8% to 10%, you might want to consider cutting back on expenses.
Knowledge Financial Group is an absolute source of financial information, we bring financial wellness to more people.
We bring financial education to the youth, and financial literacy to the less fortunate . knowledgefinancial
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Contact Us @ knowledgefinancial
Visit Our Blogs @ www.knowledgefinancial.
Dividend Retirement Portfolio
Dividend-paying mutual funds and ETFs offer low fees, immediate diversification, and simplicity.
However, fund investors lose a valuable benefit: control.
Most funds own dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of stocks.
Some of these are good businesses with safe dividends, while others are lower in quality and will put
Financial And Retirement Planning Goals, Strategies for Every Decade of Life...
Good choice, excellent decisions is needed for each decade in life.
Set yourself up for future financial success by living each decade to its fullest.
Which decade can you afford to take more, or less risk? Which decade should you really start to plan seriously for retirement?
Which decade should you focus on managing debts?
Which decade should you take control over your finances?
Invest in Yourself:
When you are in your 20s and just starting a career, take time to invest in yourself, in your financial education..
Take the time to grow your human capital, life experiences and knowledge -- it doesn't get easier to invest in yourself later on in life.
Dividends in Retirement
With every decision, be sure to review the fees, flexibility, and fine print of the investment strategies you are considering.
Early Retirement Portfolio: Stocks to Live Off Dividends ...
Dividend Stocks For Retirees and Newly Retired
..Take Care Of Yourself Well By Late 40s, early 50s..
The midlife crisis can start to sneak up on people. Divorce, separation of couple happen and that is not good benefit.
1. Many people feel burned out or stressed at work
-- it's important to take care of yourself.
2. Set aside time to do financial planning and wellness.
3. Taking control of your finances can help you take care of yourself and reduce stress.
4. Burning out could negatively affect your health and finances and add additional layers of stress onto an already challenging situation.
A rule of thumb in your 60s:
As you head into retirement, make sure you understand the 4% safe withdrawal rate for retirement spending. The rule states that historically in the U.S., with a 50% bond investment and a 50% stock investment, you could afford to spend 4% of your investments a year and not run out of money for 30 years. This is a conservative approach. KNOWLEDGEFINANCIAL.
Enjoy Life
You've worked hard your whole life, and you should enjoy your retirement. Having a sound financial plan that shows what you can spend and how long your money will last can allow you to do just that.
A lot of people worry about having enough money in retirement, so they hoard their money, refuse to spend it and ultimately don't enjoy themselves.
They're too fearful about the uncertainty of the future. Having a plan can help you live the lifestyle you want.
Tip No. 2: Make Your Money Last a Lifetime
A big part of planning for retirement while working and is about saving, investing and growing your wealth.
Once you get into retirement, you need to monitor how your plan is doing and make any adjustments necessary.
Your situation, the markets and your goals will change as your lifestyle changes. = http://visiononeholding.
Don't forget to plan and manage your required minimum distribtions (RMDs) from IRAs and 401(k)s.
Optimizing these assets can require new types of planning and tax strategies. = TWITTER.COM/BUYHEREMARKETON
As you start to spend down your money, keep track of your spending percentage of your assets.
Use the 4% rule to help monitor your plan over time. If your withdrawal rate from your assets starts nearing 8% to 10%, you might want to consider cutting back on expenses.
Knowledge Financial Group is an absolute source of financial information, we bring financial wellness to more people.
We bring financial education to the youth, and financial literacy to the less fortunate .
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Contact Us @
Visit Our Blogs @ www.knowledgefinancial.