Educate yourself financially - Be financially literate.
Financial Literacy Is So Important
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Few are prepared as financial decision making grows more complex
You can take action in your changing your financial trajectory right away by starting with these steps:
Financial Literacy in Decline
In past generations, cash was used for most daily purchases; today, it's rarely flashed—particularly not by younger shoppers. The way we shop has changed as well. Online shopping has become the top choice for many.
Meanwhile, credit card companies, banks, and other financial institutions are inundating consumers with credit opportunities—the ability to apply for credit cards or pay off one card with another. Without the proper knowledge or checks and balances, it is easy to get into financial trouble.
- Learn your credit score
- You can get a free annual credit report at, which is authorized by federal law as the official site for free annual credit reports. Then purchase your actual credit score from one of the three credit bureaus.
- Keep a record of your personal debt
- By writing down paid off debts, you can track your progress and celebrate small victories.
- Make a budget
- Paying off debt will be easier once you start setting limits for yourself and recognizing the difference between needs and wants.
- Open a savings account
- With a few online banking clicks, you can set up automatic deductions from your direct-deposit debit card to an interest-earning savings account.
- Pay overdue bills
- Stop ignoring debt collectors and find out if you can negotiate affordable payments, rather than racking up more late fees.
- Plan for retirement
- Consider options for funding your retirement and securing your financial future. Talk to a financial advisor about your current situation and how to start planning for retirement now. From contributing to a 401(k) plan to buying an annuity to rebalancing your investment portfolio.
- The level of financial literacy varies according to education and income levels, but evidence shows that highly educated consumers with high incomes can be just as ignorant about financial issues as less-educated, lower-income consumers (though, in general, the latter do tend to be less financially literate). And it seems consumers are hesitant to learn.
- "Do it or not. There is no try." Do it now, do it today. There are only two days you could do something; it was yesterday which already past, too late, you missed it. And the next day is today.So you better take action today, because there is no tomorrow. You never know what tomorrow can bring... By the way who knows, who's going to see tomorrow.Anthony Jeanty: Realtor, Real Estate Professional in the South Florida area and insurance representative... ins biz of Americaon facebook, Blogs, Twi
tter, --------------Pursuit Of Happiness The Secret The Law {The Magic Of Imagination
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Savings and investment options are more complex
Consumers are also being asked to choose among various investment and savings products. These products are more sophisticated than in the past, requiring consumers to choose among different options that offer varying interest rates and maturities, decisions they are not adequately educated to make. Deciding on complex financial instruments with a large range of options can impact a consumer’s ability to buy a home, finance an education, or save for retirement, adding to the decision-making pressure.
The financial environment is changing
The financial landscape is very dynamic. Now a global marketplace, there are many more participants in the market and many more factors that can influence it. The quickly changing environment created by technological advances such as electronic trading makes the financial markets even swifter and more volatile. Taken together, these factors can cause conflicting views and difficulty in creating, implementing, and following a financial roadmap.
) We are inundated with choices
Banks, credit unions, brokerage firms, insurance firms, credit card companies, mortgage companies, financial planners, and other financial service companies are all vying for assets, creating confusion for the consumer.
Financial Literacy Matters
Financial literacy is crucial to help consumers save enough to provide adequate income in retirement while avoiding high levels of debt that might result in bankruptcy, defaults, and foreclosures. Yet in its Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2019, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System found that many Americans are unprepared for retirement.
One-fourth indicated that they have no retirement savings, and fewer than 4 in 10 non-retirees felt that their retirement savings are on track. Among those who have self-directed retirement savings, nearly 60% admitted to feeling low levels of confidence in making retirement decisions.
Low financial literacy has left millennials, who make up the largest share of the American work force, unprepared for a severe financial crisis
The 21 first century our financial system is shaky,
Investing Moves That Could Make You a Multimillionaire
Investing Moves That Could Make You a Multimillionaire
Everyone has their own goals.The market will always go up and down, but your goals and objectives are still your goals and objectives-----------------Invest in what you love.Trade stocks of brands you know and believe in and discover new opportunities based on your interests along the way..
Building Wealth: Real Estate Investing To Build Wealth...Strategies For Wealth Stages.Build Your TeamReal estate is a team sport, and you are the leader of your team. You don’t necessarily need employees, but you will need independent contractors and advisors who can help you in their areas of expertise. If the idea of running this team turns you off, then perhaps a different type of investing suits you better.
I describe my approach to choosing and building my real estate team in Your Team: The Main Ingredient of Stardom. But to summarize, below is a list of some of the important team members you’ll need. I picked up the categories for these team members in the awesome book The Millionaire Real Estate Investor:
“Inner Circle” – your personal, closest team membersSpouse - Business partner - Mentors/personal advisers“Support Circle” – your fiduciary or critical relationships who help you with important, ongoing tasks / Property manager (if applicable)Attorney specializing in real estate and/or businessCertified Public Accountant (CPA) Lender(s)
Mortgage lender – for long-term financingHard money lender – for short-term financingPrivate money lender – for flexible, short or long-term financing“Service Circle” – functional relationships for tasks you’ll need for your investments. http:// Commercial-Real-Estate
- Choose your investments wisely The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy...
- Choose your investments wisely The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy...
Choose your investments wisely
The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy researching companies and building a highly personalized portfolio, investing in individual stocks may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you'd prefer a hands-off approach, you may be better off with exchange-traded funds.
Buying quality investments that are likely to perform well over time.
Blue chip stocks, for example, can be a smart choice if you're buying individual stocks, because these companies have a long track record of experiencing consistent growth. Or if you're buying ETFs, an S&P 500 ETF can be a wise choice. These funds contain hundreds of stocks from large and successful companies
- Start investing as soon as you can Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things...
People are living longer and much healthier now than in decades past, and because of this many are seeking new challenges; starting and operating a business is a way to stay active physically and mentally.
The right investments for you will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy researching companies and building a highly personalized portfolio, investing in individual stocks may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you'd prefer a hands-off approach, you may be better off with exchange-traded funds.
Buying quality investments that are likely to perform well over time.
Blue chip stocks, for example, can be a smart choice if you're buying individual stocks, because these companies have a long track record of experiencing consistent growth. Or if you're buying ETFs, an S&P 500 ETF can be a wise choice. These funds contain hundreds of stocks from large and successful companies
- Start investing as soon as you can Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things...
- People are living longer and much healthier now than in decades past, and because of this many are seeking new challenges; starting and operating a business is a way to stay active physically and mentally.
Start investing as soon as you can
Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things you can do to build wealth is to start investing now. The amount of time you have to let your money grow will have an enormous impact on your total savings
- Hold your investments for the long term...
Aside from choosing the right investments, one of the single most important things you can do to build wealth is to start investing now. The amount of time you have to let your money grow will have an enormous impact on your total savings
- Hold your investments for the long term...
Hold your investments for the long term
Finally, be prepared to hold your investments for as long as possible. It will likely take decades to reach multimillionaire status, but the more time your money has to grow, the more you can potentially earn.
Say, for example, you're just getting started in the stock market, and your investments are earning a 10% average annual rate of return (meaning the returns you earn year after year average out to around 10% over time)
REITs vs. REIT ETFs: How They Compare...Learn about the difference in investing in a REIT for a single real estate cREITs vs. REIT ETFs: An OverviewReal estate investment trusts (REITs) are companies that own and operate real estate to produce and generate income. Investors can purchase shares in REITs—which represent ownership of an individual real estate company—just like regular stocks. The individual performance of REITs can vary widely. Many REITs are traded on major stock exchanges, but there are also a number of private and non-publicly traded REITs. = http://www. Real-Estate.html-----------------REIT exchange-traded funds (ETFs), on the other hand, invest their assets primarily in equity REIT securities and other derivatives. They often have low expense ratios and passively track indexes for the larger real estate market.2 These REIT indexes include a number of different types of REITs as components. By tracking an index, an investor can gain exposure to the larger real estate sector without having to risk capital on one individual company.------------------Real estate investment trusts are companies that own and operate real estate to produce and generate income.REIT exchange-traded funds invest their assets primarily in equity REIT securities and other derivatives. There are three different kinds of REITs: Equity REITs, mortgage REITs, and hybrid REITs.REITs don't have to pay income taxes as long as they comply with certain federal regulations.REIT ETFs are passively managed around indexes of publicly-traded owners of real estate. = -------------------------------
Finally, be prepared to hold your investments for as long as possible. It will likely take decades to reach multimillionaire status, but the more time your money has to grow, the more you can potentially earn.
Say, for example, you're just getting started in the stock market, and your investments are earning a 10% average annual rate of return (meaning the returns you earn year after year average out to around 10% over time)
Investment portfolio managemen t aims at capital growth and seeks for the appreciation of the investment value or net present value. It strategises the gradual return on investments to create maximum value. Diversification of funds leads to stability and security against market uncertainties
investing is simple. That doesn't mean it is easy. It just means that what you need for success is fairly straightforward
- First, insist upon a margin of safety, and it's best to invest in assets you understand.
- Always keep your eyes open for opportunities, and allocate capital by opportunity cost.
- First, insist upon a margin of safety, and it's best to invest in assets you understand.
- Always keep your eyes open for opportunities, and allocate capital by opportunity cost.
Make Conservative Valuations
First, be conservative In your valuation assumptions. Many have a habit of extrapolating recent events into the future. When times are good.
First, be conservative In your valuation assumptions. Many have a habit of extrapolating recent events into the future. When times are good.
Invest in Assets You Understand
How can you estimate the future earnings per share of a company? In the case of a major beverage company, for instance, there are a few things you could look at: per-capita product consumption by various countries in the world, input costs such as sugar prices.
============= "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Guess what? The MD - The Doctors learn much more in the mistakes they made in their practice than in school..
As a human being, anytime you made a mistake you suppose to learn something from it at least an important lesson.. and that should make you wiser in life. The staff of Financial Academy School..----
How can you estimate the future earnings per share of a company? In the case of a major beverage company, for instance, there are a few things you could look at: per-capita product consumption by various countries in the world, input costs such as sugar prices.
============= "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Guess what? The MD - The Doctors learn much more in the mistakes they made in their practice than in school..
Fixed Income Investing
Before investing in fixed income products, every investor should
understand what bonds are, their relevant risks and rewards, and factors
that influence their prices and returns.
Individuals generally choose fixed income investments for two basic reasons:
(1) for a stable income stream, and
(2) to attempt to protect principal value.
Fixed income investors should begin with a core portfolio that has a
solid foundation, acceptable level of risk, stable returns across
interest rate cycles, and, if possible, favorable tax considerations.
Yields can be enhanced by investing in bonds in sectors that offer the
best relative value in terms of yield differential and in positions that
are callable to site a couple of examples. Remember, just as interest
rate levels change, so can an investor’s objectives. Fixed income
portfolios should be reviewed periodically and adjusted, when necessary,
to reflect current financial goals and market conditions.
A number of investment strategies can be tailored to meet each investor’s financial objectives.
COURTESY OF WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP.COM - Sex & Relationships.. sexless marriages.. begin to die in sexless marriages. Why Love And Sex Go Together... and sex are two different things. However, there are very different opinions in the society...
Before investing in fixed income products, every investor should understand what bonds are, their relevant risks and rewards, and factors that influence their prices and returns.
Individuals generally choose fixed income investments for two basic reasons:
(1) for a stable income stream, and
(2) to attempt to protect principal value.
Fixed income investors should begin with a core portfolio that has a solid foundation, acceptable level of risk, stable returns across interest rate cycles, and, if possible, favorable tax considerations. Yields can be enhanced by investing in bonds in sectors that offer the best relative value in terms of yield differential and in positions that are callable to site a couple of examples. Remember, just as interest rate levels change, so can an investor’s objectives. Fixed income portfolios should be reviewed periodically and adjusted, when necessary, to reflect current financial goals and market conditions.
A number of investment strategies can be tailored to meet each investor’s financial objectives.
Most Important Assets That Will Increase Your Net Worth...
Your net worth is more than just the balance in your bank account. It’s a measure of your financial health.
To get the answer to “What is my net worth?” subtract your total
liabilities from your total assets. If you’re trying to figure out which
assets are the most valuable or will otherwise give your net worth a
boost, here’s a rundown of 15 critical assets.
REAL ESTATE INVESTING 101: http:// Real-EstateFinancial education is so important regardless of your experience and background.. KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP. BLOGSPOT.COM - LEARN AT: KNOWLEDGE FINANCIAL GROUP - AND CERTAINLY AT: VISIONONE HOLDING COMPANY... FACEBOOK.COM/VISIONONEHOLDING---------------RENTING IS THROWING MONEY AWAY … IN THE DRAIN WHILE YOU CAN BUY YOUR OWN? AND RENT IT TO SOMEONE ELSE... http:// Rental-Property.html==---------------- Why not now? FACEBOOK.COM/ VISIONONEREALESTATES ? to learn about investing as the real estate market will continue to offer tremendous opportunities for the educated investor. It’s crucial to work hard and surround yourself with people who have experience... VISIONONEREALESTATE.BLOGSPOT. COM---------------Creative Ways to Fund Real Estate Deals.. FACEBOOK.COM/ VISIONAIREREALESTATEMULTIPLE WAYS TO CREATE WEALTH THROUGH REAL ESTATE INVESTING..
FEMKONSA CAPITAL INVESTMENT - FACEBOOK.COM/FEMKONSA Our mission has been to inspire individuals to create more wealth and obtain financial freedom with economic independence.. FEMKONSA.BLOGSPOT.COM---------------------VISIONONE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: FACEBOOK.COM/VISIONONECAPITALLearn the Three Ways of Building WealthThe three ways of building wealth include earned income, passive income, and portfolio income. VISIONONECAPITAL.BLOGSPOT.COM-------------------FRUITAL INVESTMENT GROUP:Our goal is to help build a foundation of knowledge that allows you to pursue your financial goals. FRUITALINVESTMENT.BLOGSPOT.COM--------------------WHAT IS THE ADVANTAGE OF COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE? http:// Commercial-Real-Estate...------------------South Florida Real Estate Connection... Get a positive, helpful partner for buying, investing or selling a home in South Florida-----------------------Investment Homes - Income Producing PropertiesWhether you're looking to purchase your first rental property or you're an experienced investor,commercial real estate can be a good investment opportunity... http://www. Anthonyrealestate...-----------
Your net worth is more than just the balance in your bank account. It’s a measure of your financial health.
To get the answer to “What is my net worth?” subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. If you’re trying to figure out which assets are the most valuable or will otherwise give your net worth a boost, here’s a rundown of 15 critical assets.
Owning Your Primary Residence
Homeownership ranks among the
most common ways people gain a substantial increase in net worth.
Instead of choosing the traditional 30-year mortgage, opt for a 15- or
20-year term, so you can pay it off more quickly, which will result in a
significant asset and savings on interest.
Homeownership ranks among the most common ways people gain a substantial increase in net worth. Instead of choosing the traditional 30-year mortgage, opt for a 15- or 20-year term, so you can pay it off more quickly, which will result in a significant asset and savings on interest.
Fruital Investment Group And Wealth Management.
Are you thinking about investing? Congratulations! Even considering investing within your financial decisions shows that you have great insight and potential to have full control over your wealth and the ability to grow it over time. Femkonsa Capital Investment -
Investing your money is the most dependable way to increase your wealth over time. However, you need knowledge when investing your hard-earned money.
Money Wisers Group -
Are you thinking about investing? Congratulations! Even considering investing within your financial decisions shows that you have great insight and potential to have full control over your wealth and the ability to grow it over time. Femkonsa Capital Investment -
Investing your money is the most dependable way to increase your wealth over time. However, you need knowledge when investing your hard-earned money.
Money Wisers Group -
Second homes are a savvy way to earn passive income
via short-term rental platforms like HomeAway, VRBO or Airbnb. At
first, you can use the extra income to help pay off your mortgage more
Then, once you pay off the mortgage, you’ll own a significant
asset while still benefitting from the passive income of renting it out
if you choose .
Second homes are a savvy way to earn passive income via short-term rental platforms like HomeAway, VRBO or Airbnb. At first, you can use the extra income to help pay off your mortgage more quickly.
Then, once you pay off the mortgage, you’ll own a significant asset while still benefitting from the passive income of renting it out if you choose .
Investing In Rental Real Estate
When you use the bank’s money to acquire
rental properties, you’re effectively building your net worth. Once you
start renting out the properties, use the income to pay off the
mortgages instead of dipping into your bank account. Your properties
will gain equity; plus, their market value should increase over time.
you’re not ready to acquire properties solely on your own, but you have
real estate savvy, you can get a group of investors to come up with the
down payment with the understanding that you’ll have a percentage of
ownership in the property. And once you’ve successfully financed the
rental property, you can negotiate a fee from the investors for its
When you use the bank’s money to acquire rental properties, you’re effectively building your net worth. Once you start renting out the properties, use the income to pay off the mortgages instead of dipping into your bank account. Your properties will gain equity; plus, their market value should increase over time.
If you’re not ready to acquire properties solely on your own, but you have real estate savvy, you can get a group of investors to come up with the down payment with the understanding that you’ll have a percentage of ownership in the property. And once you’ve successfully financed the rental property, you can negotiate a fee from the investors for its management..
Investing can be a good income strategy, but it’s
not a sure thing. Take the time to research investments before you
commit. You’ll also need to have a clear understanding of when to buy
and sell solid stocks from great companies.
If you’re inexperienced in the stock market, you
don’t have to go it alone. Seek out advice from an investment advisor
who help you pick the best stocks for your portfolio based on the type
of risk you’re comfortable assuming and the return you would like to
MPORTANT INFORMATION AND RESOURCES: Luxury homes for sale & apartments for rent located in the heart of south Florida.=======Excellent places near by malls; shopping centers, dining, entertainment options, hospitals & med-clinics. Residents will be spoiled with full range of amenities..We as professionals; we live by our mission of helping others, taking care of clients needs.==========For all your real estate needs, your family, or your friends; south Florida, contact Anthony jeanty - A friendly neighborhood Agent will assist clients Before, during and after transactions. www.anthonyrealestate. blogspot.comCHANGE YOUR LIFE PREPARE FOR TOMORROW. Real Estate is the way to go..=======Anthony Real estate Service For Buyers And Sellers.We put our clients interest first. We assist our clients from the beginning to the end. www.agentanthony.wordpress. com/========Visionone Real Estate Investment Group Is The Absolute Source Of Investing In Commercial Real EstateVisionone Real Estate Investment Group offers the pros and cons of investing in all relevant commercial deals. ——-Let Visionone Real Estate Investmet Group shows you step-by-step how to earn millions in today’s real estate market using powerful foreclosure investing strategy AND building lead cashflow days, weeks, months, and years after years. WWW.KNOWLEDGEFINANCIALGROUP. COM --------------
Investing can be a good income strategy, but it’s not a sure thing. Take the time to research investments before you commit. You’ll also need to have a clear understanding of when to buy and sell solid stocks from great companies.
If you’re inexperienced in the stock market, you don’t have to go it alone. Seek out advice from an investment advisor who help you pick the best stocks for your portfolio based on the type of risk you’re comfortable assuming and the return you would like to earn.
Private Lending
Being someone else’s bank allows you to
generate passive income that can boost your net worth. Private loans,
notes and trust deeds are investments where you loan money to private
individuals or entities in exchange for interest.
With these type
of investments, you’ll still receive a consistent rate of return
regardless if the value of the underlying asset goes up or down — which
translates into funds you can choose to reinvest and gain more wealth.
protect your interests, make sure you understand the ins and outs of a
potential investment by considering consulting with a professional with
extensive experience for advice, such as a broker, entity or regulated
and properly licensed partner.
Being someone else’s bank allows you to generate passive income that can boost your net worth. Private loans, notes and trust deeds are investments where you loan money to private individuals or entities in exchange for interest.
With these type of investments, you’ll still receive a consistent rate of return regardless if the value of the underlying asset goes up or down — which translates into funds you can choose to reinvest and gain more wealth.
To protect your interests, make sure you understand the ins and outs of a potential investment by considering consulting with a professional with extensive experience for advice, such as a broker, entity or regulated and properly licensed partner.
Permanent Life Insurance
Most people assume they can’t access their life insurance unless something happens to them, but that isn’t always true.
If you have a permanent life insurance policy — such as a whole life,
universal life or variable life policy — the premiums you pay will grow
tax-deferred. Once the policy has reached a certain cash value, you can
access the funds tax-free. The accumulated cash, less any fees, counts
as an asset that can increase your net worth.
If you’re interested in getting permanent life insurance, consider working with an independent life insurance broker.
Most people assume they can’t access their life insurance unless something happens to them, but that isn’t always true.
If you have a permanent life insurance policy — such as a whole life, universal life or variable life policy — the premiums you pay will grow tax-deferred. Once the policy has reached a certain cash value, you can access the funds tax-free. The accumulated cash, less any fees, counts as an asset that can increase your net worth.
If you’re interested in getting permanent life insurance, consider working with an independent life insurance broker.
Having good health is a critical asset to building
your net worth. It allows you to work more hours and be more productive
without spending a bundle on medical appointments, treatments or
surgeries. Invest in good health by eating well, exercising and visiting
your doctor for regular checkups.
Investing Success 101: If You Have More Than $1,000 in Your Saving/Checking Account, Make These Moves.Investing Success For A Better Retirement.----------------Congrats! You’re on the right path. Now it’s time to think about letting money working for you.
Do you want to buy a big price tag item someday?Just Invest Today?
Take control of your finances to go to the next level?We’ve got some ideas for you:
Invest in Real Estate. Real estate stocks, real estate funds, real estate investment trust { REIT'S } You can get started with a minimum investment of just $500..
Real estate has traditionally been one of the most sought-after asset classes for professional investors1 — now it’s available to you.
Smarter diversification
Now you can diversify outside of the public markets with private real estate, allowing you to reduce risk and improve stability.With Flexible Investment Minimums---------------Knowledge Financial Group was Built to help smart investors invest smarter, wiser.---------------------------INVEST IN BLUE CHIP STOCKS......Investors in blue chip stocks are generally assured of receiving regular dividend payments and having their portfolios protected against inflation.
Most investors understand that blue-chip stocks have stable earnings. During an economic downturn, investors may turn to these perceived "safe havens" because of their steady nature.----------------------INVEST IN INDEX FUNDS....When you buy an index fund, you get a diversified selection of securities in one easy, low-cost investment. Some index funds provide exposure to thousands of securities in a single fund.----------------------Index Funds: How to Invest and Best Funds.....Index funds are a low-fee, no-fuss way to invest. It might be the smartest and easiest investment you ever make.1. Pick which index2. Select which index fund3. Decide where to buyIndex funds are investments made up of stocks that mirror the companies and performance of a market index, such as the S&P 500. Index funds are passively managed and have lower fees than actively managed funds, and often generate higher investment returns.----------------Pick which indexIndex mutual funds track various indexes. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index is one of the best-known indexes because the 500 companies it tracks include large, well-known U.S.-based businesses representing a wide range of industries.
But the S&P 500 isn’t the only index in town.----------------Company size and capitalization. Index funds that track small, medium-sized or large companies (also known as small-, mid- or large-cap indexes).
Geography. These funds focus on stocks that trade on foreign exchanges or a combination of international exchanges.
Business sector or industry. Funds that focus on consumer goods, technology, health-related businesses, for example.
Asset type. Funds that track domestic and foreign bonds, commodities, cash.
Market opportunities. Emerging markets or other nascent but growing sectors for investment.
Despite the array of choices, you may need to invest in only one.--------------------WARNING: The investing information provided on this page is for educational purposes only...
Tax Lien Investing: What You Need To Know...
What Is A Tax Lien?
Tax lien investing is a type of real estate investing where individuals purchase tax lien certificates.
These certificates are created when local governments place liens on people’s property due to unpaid property taxes.
There are 28 states that currently allow for the sale of tax lien certificates. And considering there are $21 billion of delinquent property taxes each year, it’s a booming business.
It’s important to clarify that tax liens are different from mortgage liens.Mortgage lien gives your lender a claim to your property until you pay back your mortgage loan.
A tax lien gives the government or owner of the tax lien certificate claim to the property.
Having good health is a critical asset to building your net worth. It allows you to work more hours and be more productive without spending a bundle on medical appointments, treatments or surgeries. Invest in good health by eating well, exercising and visiting your doctor for regular checkups.
The 4 Basic Elements of Stock Value...
Investing has a set of four basic elements that investors use to break down a stock's value. In this article, we will look at four commonly used financial ratios—price-to-book (P/B) ratio, price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, price-to-earnings growth (PEG) ratio, and dividend yield—and what they can tell you about a stock. Financial ratios are powerful tools to help summarize financial statements and the health of a company or enterprise.
P/E, P/B, PEG and dividend yields are four commonly used metrics that can help break down a stock's value and outlook. -----------------------
Price-To-Book (P/B) Ratio
Made for glass-half-empty people, the price-to-book (P/B) ratio represents the value of the company if it is torn up and sold today..
Made for glass-half-empty people, the price-to-book (P/B) ratio represents the value of the company if it is torn up and sold today..
Price-To-Earnings (P/E) Ratio
The price to earnings (P/E) ratio is possibly the most scrutinized of all the ratios. If sudden increases in a stock's price are the sizzle, then the P/E ratio is the steak. A stock can go up in value without significant earnings increases, but the P/E ratio is what decides if it can stay up. Without earnings to back up the price, a stock will eventually fall back down.
The price to earnings (P/E) ratio is possibly the most scrutinized of all the ratios. If sudden increases in a stock's price are the sizzle, then the P/E ratio is the steak. A stock can go up in value without significant earnings increases, but the P/E ratio is what decides if it can stay up. Without earnings to back up the price, a stock will eventually fall back down.
Price-to-Earnings Growth (PEG) Ratio
Because the P/E ratio isn't enough in and of itself, many investors use the price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio. Instead of merely looking at the price and earnings, the PEG ratio incorporates the historical growth rate of the company's earnings.
This ratio also tells you how company A's stock stacks up against company B's stock. The PEG ratio is calculated by taking the P/E ratio of a company and dividing it by the year-over-year growth rate of its earnings. The lower the value of your PEG ratio, the better the deal you're getting for the stock's future estimated earnings.
Because the P/E ratio isn't enough in and of itself, many investors use the price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio. Instead of merely looking at the price and earnings, the PEG ratio incorporates the historical growth rate of the company's earnings.
This ratio also tells you how company A's stock stacks up against company B's stock. The PEG ratio is calculated by taking the P/E ratio of a company and dividing it by the year-over-year growth rate of its earnings. The lower the value of your PEG ratio, the better the deal you're getting for the stock's future estimated earnings.
Dividend Yield
It's always nice to have a back-up when a stock's growth falters. This is why dividend-paying stocks are attractive to many investors—even when prices drop, you get a paycheck. The dividend yield shows how much of a payday you're getting for your money. By dividing the stock's annual dividend by the stock's price, you get a percentage. You can think of that percentage as the interest on your money, with the additional chance at growth through the appreciation of the stock.
It's always nice to have a back-up when a stock's growth falters. This is why dividend-paying stocks are attractive to many investors—even when prices drop, you get a paycheck. The dividend yield shows how much of a payday you're getting for your money. By dividing the stock's annual dividend by the stock's price, you get a percentage. You can think of that percentage as the interest on your money, with the additional chance at growth through the appreciation of the stock.
Things to Know About the Stock Market...
Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging is a stock-market strategy that can help decrease the risks that come with an asset falling in price,. The basic concept is to invest a set amount of money in an asset once every set period of time
Dollar-cost averaging is a stock-market strategy that can help decrease the risks that come with an asset falling in price,. The basic concept is to invest a set amount of money in an asset once every set period of time
Stop Orders and Market Orders
Stop orders give instructions to buy or sell a stock once it reaches a certain price, as claimed. Market orders buy or sell a stock at any price
Stop orders give instructions to buy or sell a stock once it reaches a certain price, as claimed. Market orders buy or sell a stock at any price
Public Company Review
Investors must research the enormous amount of data available on public companies to determine whether they are suitable for their portfolios.
Investors must research the enormous amount of data available on public companies to determine whether they are suitable for their portfolios.
Earnings: Earnings are the long-term driver of stock prices.
Earnings Recession
When S&P 500 earnings decline on a year-over-year basis during two consecutive quarters, industry experts call it an earnings recession. The S&P 500 index historically reflects the GDP, or gross domestic product, in the United States...
When S&P 500 earnings decline on a year-over-year basis during two consecutive quarters, industry experts call it an earnings recession. The S&P 500 index historically reflects the GDP, or gross domestic product, in the United States...
Risk Cycle
The risk cycle examines the broader psychology of participants in the stock market' The risk cycle is a way to measure the collective mood and subsequent actions of investors in the stock market and the economy in general.
The risk cycle examines the broader psychology of participants in the stock market' The risk cycle is a way to measure the collective mood and subsequent actions of investors in the stock market and the economy in general.
How To Choose Stocks
Stock market experts suggest using five criteria to evaluate investments: asset utilization, current and projected profitability, earnings momentum, capital structure and intrinsic instead of market value. Investors without an adviser should perform their own due diligence,
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Stock market experts suggest using five criteria to evaluate investments: asset utilization, current and projected profitability, earnings momentum, capital structure and intrinsic instead of market value. Investors without an adviser should perform their own due diligence,
Due Diligence
What does due diligence mean in investment?
- Due diligence is an investigation or audit of a potential investment or product to confirm all facts , such as reviewing all financial records, plus anything else deemed material. It refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction with another party
The Internet offers free, real-time access to stock data at your fingertips, as reported by many, Consider whether a company's industry, sector and enterprise is consistent with your asset allocation.
Due diligence is performed by equity research analysts, fund managers, broker-dealers, individual investors, and companies that are considering acquiring other companies.
- Due diligence is an investigation of a potential investment (such as a stock) or product to confirm all facts and to ensure the purchase will meet the buyer's needs.
- You should consider a variety of factors when performing due diligence on a stock, including company capitalization, revenue, valuations, competitors, management, and risks.
- By taking the time to perform due diligence on a stock before making a purchase, you'll be better equipped to make a decision that aligns with your overall investment strategy.
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What does due diligence mean in investment?
- Due diligence is an investigation or audit of a potential investment or product to confirm all facts , such as reviewing all financial records, plus anything else deemed material. It refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction with another party
The Internet offers free, real-time access to stock data at your fingertips, as reported by many, Consider whether a company's industry, sector and enterprise is consistent with your asset allocation.
Due diligence is performed by equity research analysts, fund managers, broker-dealers, individual investors, and companies that are considering acquiring other companies.
- Due diligence is an investigation of a potential investment (such as a stock) or product to confirm all facts and to ensure the purchase will meet the buyer's needs.
- You should consider a variety of factors when performing due diligence on a stock, including company capitalization, revenue, valuations, competitors, management, and risks.
- By taking the time to perform due diligence on a stock before making a purchase, you'll be better equipped to make a decision that aligns with your overall investment strategy.
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Management and Ownership
As part of performing due diligence on a stock, you'll want to answer some key questions regarding the company's management and ownership. Is the company still run by its founders? Or has management and the board shuffled in a lot of new faces? The age of the company is a big factor here, as younger companies tend to have more of the founding members still around. Look at consolidated bios of top managers to see what kind of broad experiences they have. You can find this information on the company's website or in its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
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As part of performing due diligence on a stock, you'll want to answer some key questions regarding the company's management and ownership. Is the company still run by its founders? Or has management and the board shuffled in a lot of new faces? The age of the company is a big factor here, as younger companies tend to have more of the founding members still around. Look at consolidated bios of top managers to see what kind of broad experiences they have. You can find this information on the company's website or in its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
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Company Capitalization
The first step is for you to form a mental picture or diagram of the company you're researching. This is why you'll want to look at the company's market capitalization, which shows you just how big the company is by calculating the total dollar market value of its outstanding shares
The first step is for you to form a mental picture or diagram of the company you're researching. This is why you'll want to look at the company's market capitalization, which shows you just how big the company is by calculating the total dollar market value of its outstanding shares
Setting this vital piece aside for the end makes sure that we're always emphasizing the risks inherent with investing. Make sure to understand both industry-wide risks and company-specific ones. Are there outstanding legal or regulatory matters? Is management making decisions that lead to an increase in the company's revenues? Is the company eco-friendly?
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Setting this vital piece aside for the end makes sure that we're always emphasizing the risks inherent with investing. Make sure to understand both industry-wide risks and company-specific ones. Are there outstanding legal or regulatory matters? Is management making decisions that lead to an increase in the company's revenues? Is the company eco-friendly?
Stock Price History
At this point, you'll want to nail down just how long all classes of shares have been trading, as well as both short-term and long-term price movement. Has the stock price been choppy and volatile, or smooth and steady? This outlines what kind of profit experience the average owner of the stock has seen, which can influence future stock movement. Stocks that are continuously volatile tend to have short-term shareholders.
At this point, you'll want to nail down just how long all classes of shares have been trading, as well as both short-term and long-term price movement. Has the stock price been choppy and volatile, or smooth and steady? This outlines what kind of profit experience the average owner of the stock has seen, which can influence future stock movement. Stocks that are continuously volatile tend to have short-term shareholders.
Stock Options and Dilution
Next, you'll need to dig into the 10-Q and 10-K reports. Quarterly SEC filings are required to show all outstanding stock options as well as the conversion expectations given a range of future stock prices.2
Use this to help understand how the share count could change under different price scenarios. While stock options are potentially a powerful motivator for retaining employees
Next, you'll need to dig into the 10-Q and 10-K reports. Quarterly SEC filings are required to show all outstanding stock options as well as the conversion expectations given a range of future stock prices.2
Use this to help understand how the share count could change under different price scenarios. While stock options are potentially a powerful motivator for retaining employees
Revenue, Margin Trends
When you begin looking at the financial numbers related to the company you're researching, it may be best to start with the revenue, profit, and margin trends. Look up the revenue and net income trends for the past two years at a financial news site that allows you to easily search for detailed company information using the company name or ticker symbol.
When you begin looking at the financial numbers related to the company you're researching, it may be best to start with the revenue, profit, and margin trends. Look up the revenue and net income trends for the past two years at a financial news site that allows you to easily search for detailed company information using the company name or ticker symbol.
Things Every New Investor Should Know About...
Is Investing for Women Different?
There is no glass ceiling when it comes to investing because your stocks, businesses, bonds, real estate, and other properties don't know or care which gender you are! I've put together a special step-by-step guide for female investors you can read.
What do you have in your portfolios, ANTONY (@visionairebiz) | Twitter, We often recommend earning some extra income on the side. Earned income, Passive income, Portfolio income. Here are the possible ways to achieve what's possible...
What do you have in your portfolios, ANTONY (@visionairebiz) | Twitter, We often recommend earning some extra income on the side. Earned income, Passive income, Portfolio income. Here are the possible ways to achieve what's possible...
How Much Can I Contribute to My 401k, Roth IRA, or Other Retirement Account?
VISIONONE HOLDING COMPANY EXPLAINS: 401k contribution, IRA contribution limits, and other retirement account contribution limits all vary based upon the account type, tax law, and your household adjusted gross income. Experts said at least a minimum of 6 percent % should be contributed. If you work for a company who offers these stuffs and you don't participate, meaning that you're leaving money on the table for the company who is richer than you already. Be smart...
What Is a Put Option?
Visionaire Business Center=Visionairebiz explains: A put option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell his or her shares of a stock at a predetermined price. It is like an insurance policy. If the stock crashes, the put option owner can exercise his put option and avoid major losses.
What Is a Golden Parachute?

A golden parachute is a severance package given to high ranking executives that is so generous, they effectively would never have to work again because they could live off the dividends and interest of the money. "Their feet will never touch the ground.".'Financial Academy School & FINANCIAL LITERACY IT'S SIMPLE TO LEARN IT'S EASY TO LEARN IT'S FREE TO LEARN''=======
Things Every New Investor Should Know About
What Is a Dividend?
When a company earns a profit, it sometimes returns some of the money to the stockholders. If the Board of Directors votes to pay a $1 cash dividend per share and you owned 1,000 shares, you would get a check for $1,000 from the company======
What Is Dividend Yield?
Dividend yield tells you how much you should collect in cash dividends relative to how much you invest in a stock. It lets you compare a stock to a bond or CD. For example, a stock with a 4% dividend yield would pay $4 each year for every $100 invested'' Financial Education; To Obtain Financial Independence, To Feel Secure Economically, To Climb The Wealth Pyramid: Financial Knowledge And financial Literacy – Financial Education Is What Everybody Needs To Have a decent And Comfortable Lifestyle. ======
What Is the Ex-Dividend Date

The ex-dividend date is the official day that anyone owning shares will be entitled to an upcoming dividend (which is called the dividend distribution date). If you bought your stock the day after the ex-dividend date, you would NOT receive that dividend.=====
What Is the Dividend Declaration Date?

The dividend declaration date is the date at which a company's Board of Directors officially declares a dividend. At this point, the dividend becomes a legal obligation, or liability, of the company and must be paid at some point in the future.' Entrepreneurship, Business Initiative - WHERE AND HOW TO FIND MONEY TO START UP A BUSINESS. Entrepreneurship: How to become a successful entrepreneur..
Why Don't All Stocks Pay Dividends?

Sometimes, a company has a high growth business and it can reinvest its profits at attractive rates of return (typically above 15%). When this happy situation occurs, it doesn't make sense to send money to shareholders. Instead, it should be reinvested====
What Is the Capital Gains Tax?
Capital gains tax rates often depend upon how long they an investment has been held. The longer an investment is owned, the lower the capital gains tax. Some asset classes, such as real estate, have special capital gains tax rules and benefits.'' Wall Street Market Millionairesg In The Financial Market Stock Market. Stock market investing for success The 10 Commandments Of Investing In The Financial Market At knowledgefinancialgroup. com. The Most Interesting Investment Ideas. ===
Warrants 101...
- WHILE THE STOCK MARKET can be difficult for even savvy investors to navigate successfully, at the end of the day stocks are still a well-known investment option that anyone can access with relative ease. Stock warrants, on the other hand, are far more obscure and less accessible.
- WHILE THE STOCK MARKET can be difficult for even savvy investors to navigate successfully, at the end of the day stocks are still a well-known investment option that anyone can access with relative ease. Stock warrants, on the other hand, are far more obscure and less accessible.
What Are Stock Warrants?
Stock warrants, like stock options, give investors the right to buy (via a call warrant) or sell (via a put warrant) a specific stock at a certain price level (strike price) before a certain date (expiration date). Warrants are good for a fixed period of time, but they aren't worth anything when they expire.
Stock warrants, like stock options, give investors the right to buy (via a call warrant) or sell (via a put warrant) a specific stock at a certain price level (strike price) before a certain date (expiration date). Warrants are good for a fixed period of time, but they aren't worth anything when they expire.
Stock Warrants vs. Stock Options
Unlike options, "warrants generally do not give the owner the right to buy 100 shares of the stock," says Robert Johnson, professor of finance at Heider College of Business, Creighton University. "Warrants may give the owner the right to buy one or some other number of shares." As with any investment, be sure to know exactly what you're buying. Is it a right to buy or sell one share, 10 shares or 100 shares?
Also, unlike options, warrants are issued by the company itself. Stock options, on the other hand, can be freely created by individual market participants who may be trying to speculate, hedge their position or earn extra income. "A warrant is different from an option because the company doesn't receive the proceeds from an option," says Steve Sosnick, Interactive Brokers chief strategist.
For the typical individual investor, "warrants have virtually all the same characteristics and may serve most of the same objectives as call options or long-term equity anticipation securities (LEAPS),"
The most important practical difference between warrants and options is that "they can have longer lives; LEAPS are constrained,"
Most options trading happens on contracts that expire in days, weeks or months; those with the longest durations, the LEAPS, only go out about two years.
Stock warrants, however, can sometimes confer the right to buy or sell for many years down the road: On occasion, those dates can be five or 10 years down the line, giving the buyer a lot of time for the wager to play out.
Unlike options, "warrants generally do not give the owner the right to buy 100 shares of the stock," says Robert Johnson, professor of finance at Heider College of Business, Creighton University. "Warrants may give the owner the right to buy one or some other number of shares." As with any investment, be sure to know exactly what you're buying. Is it a right to buy or sell one share, 10 shares or 100 shares?
Also, unlike options, warrants are issued by the company itself. Stock options, on the other hand, can be freely created by individual market participants who may be trying to speculate, hedge their position or earn extra income. "A warrant is different from an option because the company doesn't receive the proceeds from an option," says Steve Sosnick, Interactive Brokers chief strategist.
For the typical individual investor, "warrants have virtually all the same characteristics and may serve most of the same objectives as call options or long-term equity anticipation securities (LEAPS),"
The most important practical difference between warrants and options is that "they can have longer lives; LEAPS are constrained,"
Most options trading happens on contracts that expire in days, weeks or months; those with the longest durations, the LEAPS, only go out about two years.
Stock warrants, however, can sometimes confer the right to buy or sell for many years down the road: On occasion, those dates can be five or 10 years down the line, giving the buyer a lot of time for the wager to play out.
How Are Stock Warrants Different From Stock Options?
Although warrants and options are similar, there are some important differences:
- When option holders exercise an option, the holder either sells or buys shares to or from an investor in the stock market. With a warrant, the holder sells or buys directly to or from the issuing company, not the investor.
- Warrants are also usually traded over-the-counter, usually by financial institutions that can settle and clear the trades, rather than on the public exchanges.
- Options usually expire in less than a year. A warrant may have a much longer period before it expires, sometimes as long as 15 years.
- Options are often used to attract and motivate employees. Warrants, on the other hand, are often used to attract investors, who get the warrants as a kind of bonus when they lend money to the company or purchase its newly-issued stock.
- Warrants do not come with voting rights or pay dividends, unlike traditional stocks. Investors are interested in warrants because they can leverage their position in a security, and exploiting opportunities if the stock moves quickly in either direction. Issuers can use them and pay lower interest rates.
- Options and warrants are treated differently for tax purposes, because the latter is not compensatory. Upon exercising the warrant, the investor would pay the purchase price for the shares but (unlike options) no tax would be due.
As a note, these are sometimes also called "wedded" warrants. Naked warrants are issued without any bonds or stocks accompanying them.
Covered Warrants
These are issued by financial institutions, rather than companies, so there are not any new stocks issued when the covered warrants are exercised. The warrants are simply "covered" because the institution that issued the warrant either already owns the underlying shares, or can easily acquire them.
Call and Put Warrants
A call warrant allows the holder to buy shares from the share issuer. A put warrant allows the holder to sell shares back to the issuer. Both types specify the number of shares the holder can buy or sell as well as the price, called the “strike” or “exercise” price, at which the holder can buy or sell the shares.
Both also specify that the transaction must take place on or before a certain date, which is called the “expiry” date. After the expiry date, the warrant becomes worthless.
The primary difference between a call warrant and a put warrant is that a call warrant will buy a specified number of shares from the company at a future date for a set price. A put warrant is a representation of the equity value that the buyer can sell back to the issuing company in the future for a set price.
Although warrants and options are similar, there are some important differences:
- When option holders exercise an option, the holder either sells or buys shares to or from an investor in the stock market. With a warrant, the holder sells or buys directly to or from the issuing company, not the investor.
- Warrants are also usually traded over-the-counter, usually by financial institutions that can settle and clear the trades, rather than on the public exchanges.
- Options usually expire in less than a year. A warrant may have a much longer period before it expires, sometimes as long as 15 years.
- Options are often used to attract and motivate employees. Warrants, on the other hand, are often used to attract investors, who get the warrants as a kind of bonus when they lend money to the company or purchase its newly-issued stock.
- Warrants do not come with voting rights or pay dividends, unlike traditional stocks. Investors are interested in warrants because they can leverage their position in a security, and exploiting opportunities if the stock moves quickly in either direction. Issuers can use them and pay lower interest rates.
- Options and warrants are treated differently for tax purposes, because the latter is not compensatory. Upon exercising the warrant, the investor would pay the purchase price for the shares but (unlike options) no tax would be due.
As a note, these are sometimes also called "wedded" warrants. Naked warrants are issued without any bonds or stocks accompanying them.
Covered Warrants
These are issued by financial institutions, rather than companies, so there are not any new stocks issued when the covered warrants are exercised. The warrants are simply "covered" because the institution that issued the warrant either already owns the underlying shares, or can easily acquire them.
Call and Put Warrants
A call warrant allows the holder to buy shares from the share issuer. A put warrant allows the holder to sell shares back to the issuer. Both types specify the number of shares the holder can buy or sell as well as the price, called the “strike” or “exercise” price, at which the holder can buy or sell the shares.
Both also specify that the transaction must take place on or before a certain date, which is called the “expiry” date. After the expiry date, the warrant becomes worthless.
The primary difference between a call warrant and a put warrant is that a call warrant will buy a specified number of shares from the company at a future date for a set price. A put warrant is a representation of the equity value that the buyer can sell back to the issuing company in the future for a set price.
Generational Wealth: Why do About 70% of Families Lose Their Wealth in the 2nd Generation?
Generational wealth is an aspect of financial planning that is geared toward passing down stable, significant financial resources to future generations. But can anyone really teach wealth? If all it took was knowledge to become wealthy, then most business people, professors, financial planners and others would be very wealthy. The reason they’re not is because becoming wealthy requires a lot more than knowledge. It requires hard work, discipline, risks taking, sacrifice, taking action, seize opportunities .and many other traits that are very hard to teach and pass on--------------
The families that do maintain their multi-generational wealth are able to do so by communicating with the next generations in a very straightforward manner.
The rules they live by to do this are very simple but not always easy. These tips can be used by anyone who wants to have a successful conversation about wealth with their children.
1. Having Lines of Communication: Open communication builds the trust that is the basis for sustaining your family’s wealth
Get your affairs in order
Don’t wait until you have a medical issue or are well into retirement to get everything in order to pass down your wealth. Life is uncertain. Some things you can do to prepare include:
- Having an up-to-date will (or one at all)
- Consider buying life insurance if necessary for protecting your beneficiaries. -- Creating an estate plan
- Setting up custodial accounts
- Naming beneficiaries for your financial accounts
These actions can ensure a smooth transition of wealth and will minimize headaches for everyone later.
3. Share Decision Making: More often than not, beneficiaries of family wealth are unable to properly manage what they’ve inherited.
Often this is the result of decisions made by the earlier generations regarding the members' involvement with decisions made managing the wealth.
By keeping the next generation out of the decision-making process can lead to serious dysfunction and lead to a serious lack of understanding about how the wealth is managed
4. Make a Plan: Here is where you develop a clear goal that plan the direction of the wealth so it is sustained for future generations.
Lacking a proper plan could result in the wealth being lost for future generations to taxes, poor investments and unprepared recipients of the wealth.
His plan should be a roadmap providing in-site on how the wealth should be managed and invested for future generations.
The families that do maintain their multi-generational wealth are able to do so by communicating with the next generations in a very straightforward manner.
The rules they live by to do this are very simple but not always easy. These tips can be used by anyone who wants to have a successful conversation about wealth with their children.
1. Having Lines of Communication: Open communication builds the trust that is the basis for sustaining your family’s wealth
Get your affairs in order
Don’t wait until you have a medical issue or are well into retirement to get everything in order to pass down your wealth. Life is uncertain. Some things you can do to prepare include:
- Having an up-to-date will (or one at all)
- Consider buying life insurance if necessary for protecting your beneficiaries. -- Creating an estate plan
- Setting up custodial accounts
- Naming beneficiaries for your financial accounts
These actions can ensure a smooth transition of wealth and will minimize headaches for everyone later.
3. Share Decision Making: More often than not, beneficiaries of family wealth are unable to properly manage what they’ve inherited.
Often this is the result of decisions made by the earlier generations regarding the members' involvement with decisions made managing the wealth.
By keeping the next generation out of the decision-making process can lead to serious dysfunction and lead to a serious lack of understanding about how the wealth is managed
4. Make a Plan: Here is where you develop a clear goal that plan the direction of the wealth so it is sustained for future generations.
Lacking a proper plan could result in the wealth being lost for future generations to taxes, poor investments and unprepared recipients of the wealth.
His plan should be a roadmap providing in-site on how the wealth should be managed and invested for future generations.
How to Build Generational Wealth [And Create A Money Legacy?
What is Generational Wealth?
Generational wealth is the wealth that you received from your family or one that you create and will pass onto the next generation. Many times this is referred to as “family wealth” as it continues to be passed down from generation to generation.
If you educate the next generation and plan carefully, your wealth will pass on from one generation to the next, with your money helping provide for ---your great-great-great- grandchildren!
Generational wealth is the wealth that you received from your family or one that you create and will pass onto the next generation. Many times this is referred to as “family wealth” as it continues to be passed down from generation to generation.
If you educate the next generation and plan carefully, your wealth will pass on from one generation to the next, with your money helping provide for ---your great-great-great-
Why is generational wealth important?
Generational wealth is important because it puts your financial situation into perspective and helps you plan for the future. If you’re able to save for your children’s college education it could help set them up for life and give them a necessary career boost
Generational wealth is important because it puts your financial situation into perspective and helps you plan for the future. If you’re able to save for your children’s college education it could help set them up for life and give them a necessary career boost
How to Build Generational Wealth
Building generational wealth is not exactly easy to do, especially if you have tons of debt and are just starting to create financial stability.
But, the sooner you get started the better your own personal finances will be and you can begin to build legacy wealth.
Your main goal will be to ensure you have penty in your retirement to last you for your remaining years. Once you have that plan in place, you can begin focusing on acquiring assets and money beyond what you may need in retirement.
If creating generational wealth is interesting to you, then here are some tips to help you get started.
Building generational wealth is not exactly easy to do, especially if you have tons of debt and are just starting to create financial stability.
But, the sooner you get started the better your own personal finances will be and you can begin to build legacy wealth.
Your main goal will be to ensure you have penty in your retirement to last you for your remaining years. Once you have that plan in place, you can begin focusing on acquiring assets and money beyond what you may need in retirement.
If creating generational wealth is interesting to you, then here are some tips to help you get started.
. Build a plan --
Alternative Investment
An alternative investment is an investment in any asset class excluding stocks, bonds, and cash.
The term is a relatively loose one and includes tangible assets such as precious metals, art, wine, antiques, coins, or stamps and some financial assets such as real estate, commodities, private equity, distressed securities, hedge funds, exchange funds, carbon credits, venture capital, film production, financial derivatives, and cryptocurrencies.
Investments in real estate, forestry and shipping are also often termed "alternative" despite the ancient use of such real assets to enhance and preserve wealth.
In the last century, fancy color diamonds have emerged as an alternative investment class as well. Alternative investments are to be contrasted with traditional investments. Prioritize financial education
Teaching your kids how to manage money and how to invest in assets helps set them up for life. Plus, it saves them time from having to learn on their own and make mistakes.
While having some minor financial mishaps can be great learning experiences, it can set them back financially for a few years. But by being educated and becoming financially literate early on, they have a much better chance of starting off strong with their money and choices.
Teaching your kids how to manage money and how to invest in assets helps set them up for life. Plus, it saves them time from having to learn on their own and make mistakes.
While having some minor financial mishaps can be great learning experiences, it can set them back financially for a few years. But by being educated and becoming financially literate early on, they have a much better chance of starting off strong with their money and choices.
How to Pass Down A Money Legacy
In order to pass on generational wealth appropriately, you’ll need to be prepared in a few other ways too. The last thing you want is your family fighting over money and assets, which happens all too often.
The best way to avoid and hopefully not have family issues, is by being legally prepared ahead of time. Here are some things to consider.
In order to pass on generational wealth appropriately, you’ll need to be prepared in a few other ways too. The last thing you want is your family fighting over money and assets, which happens all too often.
The best way to avoid and hopefully not have family issues, is by being legally prepared ahead of time. Here are some things to consider.
Your will is basically a set of instructions on what is to be done with your wealth once you pass on. Your will should be very specific so there is no confusion as to who gets what — otherwise there could be some family fights that are taken to court due to unclear wills.
Your will is basically a set of instructions on what is to be done with your wealth once you pass on. Your will should be very specific so there is no confusion as to who gets what — otherwise there could be some family fights that are taken to court due to unclear wills.
Estate plan
Your estate plan is the accumulation of all your assets, where they are stored and how to access them. If you have a large and complex estate, consulting an expert on how best to manage and pass on your wealth will make the entire process smoother.
Your estate plan is the accumulation of all your assets, where they are stored and how to access them. If you have a large and complex estate, consulting an expert on how best to manage and pass on your wealth will make the entire process smoother.
A trust is a financial instrument that is specially designed to pass on wealth in a specific way. You can add cash, real estate and other stocks into your trust and set instructions as to how they should be used.
For example, you can create a trust of stock market investments and instruct it to be only used for education.
On your trust you’ll need to add beneficiaries: the people who will be managing and using your wealth. Once you pass away, the trust is simply passed onto the beneficiaries without allowing room for confusion.
A trust is a financial instrument that is specially designed to pass on wealth in a specific way. You can add cash, real estate and other stocks into your trust and set instructions as to how they should be used.
For example, you can create a trust of stock market investments and instruct it to be only used for education.
On your trust you’ll need to add beneficiaries: the people who will be managing and using your wealth. Once you pass away, the trust is simply passed onto the beneficiaries without allowing room for confusion.
Custodial accounts
Custodial accounts are investment accounts that you manage for your child which they will fully own once they reach a specific age (usually 18 or 21).
Custodial accounts are investment accounts that you manage for your child which they will fully own once they reach a specific age (usually 18 or 21).